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"So, Lee Hyunwoo huh? Wow, you really lied about everything. Why? What was the point?" Tammy asks, her voice laced with disgust.

"It's simple love. I need an heir. You see all this? All this will be mine once we are married and that baby is born. I need to show my father that I'm responsible enough to run this place," he says, wildly gesturing to their surroundings.

The house that they were in was a mansion. Hell, maybe even bigger than a mansion. Tammy had been dragged through so many halls she couldn't keep up with the directions. It was clear that the person living here was filthy rich. Everything was shiny and expensive looking, even the chained handcuff that anchored her to the bed.

"That's what this is about? Inheritance? You greedy son of a bitch! You could've had any woman! Why me?"she curses, taking her shoes off and throwing them at him.

"Enough! You will not get yourself worked up and lose this baby. If you do you're dead so I suggest you calm down," he replies, angrily gripping her face.

Unable to do much more, she nods, sitting down heavily once he let go. He was right about remaining calm. She didn't want to lose the baby. She also didn't want to be held hostage though so she had to think of some sort of way she could contact Scarlett or Gavin. Knowing them, they were probably preparing to flip Korea upside down looking for her and that thought alone calmed her enough.

"I chose you because you were new and exciting. Your extremely beautiful and you're a foreigner. There was no way I was going to be stuck with a traditional woman all my life," he scoffs.

"Wow. Yay for me. Of all the good men here to choose from; I chose the rich psycho with a foreigner fetish," she says, staring holes in his head.

"You know, you should be a bit nicer. You're going to be here for a while," he teases, dragging out the words.

"See that's where you're wrong. I'm sure I won't be here long. You're not the only one with secrets, Lee Hyunwoo," she replies, giggling sinisterly.

"Nice try. You're as clean as a whistle. I had a background check run on you," he says, feigning boredom as he picked at his nails.

"Ha! It's not my background you should be worried about. It's my family's. I know what you read on me. Deceased mother and unknown father right? Not true. Well, not the part about my father being unknown. Who do you think raised me silly? Did you read about a foster family of any kind?" She responds, smirking at the look of concentration that crossed his face.

"I'll play. Who's your father? Some low life assassin or something? Daddy going to come kill me?" He exclaims, laughing smugly.

How stupid.

"My father is Tony Blake, former right hand man to the late Gerald Destiny of the Destiny family mafia in North America," she states, her smirk widening when his eyes widen.

"Well it's not like you're the princess or anything. You're just the right hand man's daughter," he says, so sure of himself she had to roll her eyes.

"Wrong, well kinda. Scarlett's the princess by blood, but her mom raised me like her own. We were brought up as sisters so call me an honorary princess you dick. My hideaway was here until you fucked that up. Unluckily for you though, Scarlett's not the typical mafia princess. She doesn't need to hide away because she's fully trained and she's going to find you and kill you. I can't wait," Tammy grits out, her voice full of anger.

"How do you know she's not dead already?" he asks, trying to remain unfazed.

"Because I know Scarlett. Trust me, she's alive and well," Tammy smirks.

She watches in satisfaction as he begins to pace the room. He tries to feign indifference, but his body language gave away just how affected he was by the information she'd just dropped.

"I'd heard the princess of the Destiny family died. You telling me it's been Scarlett the whole time?" he mumbles, running his hands through his hair.

"You didn't hear wrong. A part of Scarlett died the night our mother died. She's a completely different person now. After she trained, it was like I had to get to know her all over again. She's absolutely ruthless and nothing can stop her when she's made up her mind about killing someone. Right now, that someone is you and anyone else that dares to stand in the way."


Scarlett chuckled sinisterly as the man in front of her screamed in pain.

"Shh, don't cry," she teases, lightly caressing his face with her knife.

"Still not ready to talk?" Jimin asks, re-wrapping his knuckles.

His hands were too pretty to fuck them up on this scum.

"They'll kill me," he whimpers pathetically, making Scarlett scoff angrily.

"He's so fucking dumb, I can't. Let me break it down for you dude. You're hanging upside down from the ceiling in a mafia boss's basement. You're going to die either way you dumb FUCK. Now the only thing that's left up to you is how. I need to find my sister. You need to tell me where. If you tell me where, I'll make your death painless. I'll pull out my pistol right now and put you out of your misery. If you don't tell me; your last days on this Earth will be HELL. I will pull out every fucking torture tactic I know and I'm sure myself and Jimin here can come up with some pretty creative shit. I promise I won't stop there. I will find out who you are and I will kill every one of your fucking family members, kids included right here in front of your fucking face. Your choice. I'm not asking anymore. Where the FUCK is my sister?"

A/N: Ending it here because I can't keep my eyes open and y'all have been waiting long enough 😅

The next chapter coming soon 💜

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