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Scarlett spent the next few hours snacking and napping on and off, keeping her strength up while she waited for her brother. So far, the plan was to brief them when they landed and then head on over immediately.

Yoongi had V call him every 30 minutes or so to update him on what he was hearing from Tammy for both his and Scarlett's piece of mind. Her safety was the priority here after all.

Currently, Scarlett lay between Yoongi and Jimin in bed. Scarlett and Jimin were fast asleep, but Yoongi could never sleep before a mission. He went through the plan over and over again in his head and it usually yielded great results. Like Scarlett had mentioned previously, his team was his family and he was going to make sure they would come out alive no matter what. Now, he would do the same for Scarlett. Secretly, he wished she would just stay behind; but he knew it wasn't going to go over well if he asked her. Honestly, it wouldn't be his place. If he were in her shoes, he'd do whatever it took to get his loved one back as well.

Time went by quickly and before he knew it; Tae was calling him and letting him know that Scarlett's brother and his men had landed and were on their way.

Yoongi sighed and sat up, admiring his lovers' faces for a few moments before gently shaking them awake.

"Your brother is on his way love. We best get up and get ready," he says, pushing some of her hair out of her face.

Scarlett sat up and rubbed her eyes before grabbing both their hands.

"I just wanted to say thank you and please be safe. We don't know what we're walking into inside that house so please be careful. I can't lose either of you," she says, her voice small with worry.

"We always are," Yoongi replies, squeezing her hand.

"We've managed to stay alive this long. You can thank me when we get Tam back," Jimin winks.

"I'm thanking you now just for putting forth the effort. No matter the outcome today, I know you tried and that's what matters," she replies, letting go of their hands and making her way off the bed.

The two men made eye contact, a silent vow, and followed their future out of the room and into the huge meeting room.

All kinds of vests, weapons, and tactical equipment lay on the tables against the back wall and the active blueprint of the mansion was still hanging on the whiteboard.

Scarlett slipped off the leather, shoulder holster she'd slept in and slipped on a bullet proof vest. Jimin, who was closest, helped her secure the straps tightly and put her shoulder holster back on.

He rests his hands on her shoulders and watches as she loads her belt with various weapons like throwing stars, daggers, and smoke grenades. He lets go when she reaches down to place some in her boots.

They all turned to the door expectantly, having heard the heavy sets of footsteps in the hallway.

Hoseok, one of Yoongi's guys, escorts her brother and his crew inside before excusing himself to go and get his own crew.

"Leave it to you two to get tangled with another mafia group. Here I was thinking you were safer here," Gavin says, his tone exasperated.

"What can I say? I was born for this," Scarlett shrugs, grabbing Jimin's hand and walking over to Yoongi.

"This is Yoongi, the leader and Jimin, his right hand by the way rude ass," Scarlett introduces, not liking the way he didn't greet them when he walked in.

She would let it slide through because he looked tired and stressed, something that was partly her fault.

"My bad. I'm Gavin. I appreciate you looking out," he greets, bowing and then shaking both their hands.

"It's no problem. We care about your sister a lot so naturally her loved ones are included in that," Yoongi says, gesturing for him to sit.

Scarlett could see Gavin eying Yoongi curiously and hoped like hell his curiosity wouldn't get the better of him. She knew he was checking out his scar.

Thankfully, there wasn't more time for chit chat when Yoongi's men arrived and stood next to Gavin's mini army, already geared up as well.

Yoongi, Jimin, and Scarlett relayed the plan, pointing out the positions on the blueprint on the board.

"So let's recap. Snipers will get into position first since majority will be in the trees. Once your targets are eliminated, we'll rush the house. Group A will push through the front. Groups B and C will rush the side entries and Group D will take the back. Snipers will remain at their posts and be on the lookout for external attacks as well as hidden entrances and exits. The mansion is fairly new and there aren't any shown on the blueprint, but that could be intentional. You have permission to kill every enemy you come in contact with. Enemies that you let live today will become an even bigger problem tomorrow. When Tammy is located, shield her no matter the cost. Radio the snipers and make sure the coast is clear before you take her outside. Her and that baby's safety is number one. Let's be stealthy and quick about this. I want every single one of you to come back safe. Also, if the situation allows; I'd like you to take Lee Hyunwoo alive," Scarlett says, pulling up a picture of him on the board.

"Alright, gear up and head out. The vans are out front," Yoongi says, effectively dismissing the briefing.

Some of the men make their way to the back of the room to gear up and others leave the room, presumably already ready to go.

"Scar! You should take these before you go. They'll ensure that you don't have any pain in your leg," Namjoon rushes in, holding a bottle of water and a packet of pills.

"What happened to your leg," Gavin asks, his arms crossed, eying her suspiciously.

"Oh I forgot to mention I got shot in the thigh," she shrugs, examining the pills before swallowing them down with the water.

"Thanks Namjoon," she says gratefully.

The man had undoubtedly ran all the way there to catch her before she left, something he definitely didn't have to do.

"Come back safe," he says, bowing to both her and Yoongi before leaving the room.

"I'm not even going to try and talk you out of it. It's like talking to a brick wall but please be careful Scar. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement in there. Don't lose yourself Scarlett. I mean it," Gavin warns, sighing in relief when she nods.

He would be acting as one of the snipers. It was his specialty and it was one of the safer positions. He was a boss after all so it was better to take whatever steps necessary to ensure his safety. Scarlett didn't want anything happening to him and she sure as hell didn't want to be stuck taking his place if something were to happen.

"I'm detaching as much as possible. You know I'll do what it takes to get Tam back; even if I have to slip back into that mindset to do it," she says, not making eye contact as she makes sure she has plenty of ammo for her pistols.

"Hey, you're not doing this alone. We'll have your back the whole time," Jimin soothes, rubbing her shoulders again.

"Don't be alarmed if I ignore you when we get there. I go into this...state of mind...I guess you could say when I'm on a mission. Tam isn't the only person's safety I'm worried about," she says softly, making eye contact with her brother and then Yoongi.

Gavin raises his brow and subtly tilts his head, a silent question passing between the two siblings.

"We'll have a talk after this," Scarlett says, grabbing a lightweight SMG off the wall and placing the ammo belt around her shoulders.

"Let's get it," she says, heading out of the room.

Born for This(A BTS Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now