Chapter Nineteen

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"For the last time, mijo. Ghosts aren't real." Tia told Carlos as me and the guys sat on the couch, watching them.

"Typical adult." Reggie sighed. "Remember when we were kids, and they never believe what we said?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was just a you thing." Alex said. "I was always pretty trustworthy."

"Shouldn't you be more worried about Julie?" I asked them. "She's already grounded."

"He's probably making her quit the band." Luke frowned.

"I wouldn't go as far as that." I reassured him.

"Well, there's not much we can do about that now anyway." Reggie said. "But, we can still help Carlos. Adults not believing children ends tonight."

I watched as Reggie leaned over and turned the light off, causing Carlos and Tia to gasp as they looked up. "Ghosts aren't real, huh?" Carlos asked. "How do you explain that?"

"Lightbulbs burn out all the time, Carlos." Tia told him.

"Ooo, wrong answer, Tia." Reggie smiled before he began to play with the blinds, opening and closing them. I sighed and leaned back on the couch as Reggie continued to do it, freaking Tia out.

"Maybe it's mom." Carlos grinned. "She knows I haven't been replacing the toilet paper!"

"Your mama would never scare us. This is the work of a demon!" Tia frowned. Reggie the stopped and looked Tia.

"Hey, words hurt." He said.

"Wait. I got to get this on video." Carlos exclaimed.

"Yeah, you do. Time for an old classic." Reggie smiled as he pulled off the table cloth and threw it over himself.

Tia began to scream and Carlos took a picture. "Damn, it was in selfie mode." He frowned before Tia dragged him out of the living room, still screaming. Reggie then laughed at sat down as he pulled the sheet off of his head.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Alex asked him.

"Yeah, I do." Reggie said. "I've defended every kid whose never been believed. Some might say I'm a superhero... We should probably hide before Julie finds out, huh?" I nodded my head and Reggie immediately ran out if the room. I looked at Luke and Alex and we all signed before following the boy.


The next morning I decided to check on Laura. I hasn't really been to see her since her break up with Harvey. Last night, dad had forgiven Julie for sneaking out and they were throwing a party at the house tonight where the band was performing so I snuck a flyer into the girl's locker. She frowned as she opened her locker and watched the piece of appear fall to the floor but she soon picked it up and smiled. She then turned her head to see Harvey walking past with some of his friends. That's when I noticed Luke talk to Julie.

When Julie walked away I approached Luke at her locker. "What are you doing here?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

"I came to ask Julie what song she wanted to open with tonight." He told me.

"And what did you decide?"

"Edge of great."

"Good. I like that one." I grinned.

"Only because you helped us write it." Luke told me with a smile on his face.

"Hey, I never got to thank you." I said. "When Julie got mad at you for bailing on the school dance, you could've told her about me but you didn't."

"Sophie, we made a promise." Luke told me. "We wouldn't do that to you."

"Well, thank you." I said softly before clearing my throat. "I, uh, I thought we could maybe work on some more songs today. I have a few more unfinished ones that I think would be great for Julie and the Phantoms."

"Uh, yeah. That'd be great." Luke smiled.


Me and Luke sat on the roof of the studio with nothing but a pad and paper and Luke's guitar. "About what you said earlier." Luke began. "I think we should tell Julie about you. I mean, how would it make her feel if she knew that the songs she was singing were your songs?"

"Luke, I said no." I frowned. "At least not until we find a way to make us visible. If Caleb can even do that."

"We're gonna find a way." Luke told me. "I pro-"

"You promise. I know." I sighed. "Until then, can we just not say anything? Please?"

"Okay." Luke whispered.

A smile then formed on my face. "I, uh, actually brought you here for a reason." I told the boy who looked at me. "Wait here." Luke nodded and I poofed away before reappearing beside the boy with his journal in my hand.

"What are you doing with that?" Luke asked me.

"I know Unsaid Emily is about your mom." I told him. "I get it, Luke. It's hard not being able to talk to the person you want to talk to most."

"So?" He asked me.

"So... I want you to sing it for me." I admitted.

"I don't- I can't."

"Yes, you can." I said. Luke hesitated before nodding and he took his journal from me before he began to strum on his guitar.

Luke then began to sing the song he wrote for his mom. I listened to the lyrics carefully as he sang them and before I knew it, tears for falling from my eyes. I wiped my cheek when the song had finished and Luke put his guitar down on the roof. "You're mom would've been so proud." I told the boy.

"I know." Luke said. "That's why I wish Bobby had have just given us credit for the song because at least she would've known. That's why we should tell Julie you're helping us write our songs."

"Why?" I asked. "My mom isn't gonna know."

"No but Julie will. Carlos and your dad will." Luke told me.

"You're right." I said as I nodded my head. "You can tell Julie that I wrote half those songs. But you have to tell her that you found them in my room."

"Okay." Luke whispered. I nodded my head and I smiled again as I looked up at the boy.

"Hey, at least Trevor did one good thing." I smiled.

"Oh, yeah? What was that?" Luke asked.

"He didn't steal the most personal song you ever wrote." 

Ghosted - Luke | Julie and the Phantoms Where stories live. Discover now