Chapter Twenty

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"Look, we add the echoes during the chorus, then when Julie comes in with the melody, it's gonna sound perfect." Luke told Alex and Reggie.

"Is this what you were doing in the roof?" Alex asked us.

"Yeah, what else would we be doing?" I questioned.

"Errrr, I don't know." Alex said as he scratched the back of his head. We all then looked up when we herd a thud and Willie, who was standing in the window, began to run away.

"Again?" Reggie asked. "What's all that about?"

"I don't know." Alex frowned before poofing out.

"By the way, I invited my friend here tonight to see you guys perform." I told Luke and Reggie.

"Cool, is she a ghost?" Reggie asked me. I shook my head.

"Okay, I left a flyer in her locker but that's close enough. I just need to see her go somewhere other than school."

"We'll make sure it's worth it." Luke told me. I nodded my head and reached into my pocket before pulling out an envelope with the name Laura on it.

"Could you do me a favour and make sure she gets this?" I asked Luke who took it from me.

"Yeah, of course." He said.

"Thanks." I whispered as Alex walked back into the garage. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked him.

"Oh, yeah. Great." Alex said. "Willie thinks we never should've met but other than that I'm fine."

"He said that?" I questioned.

"Yeah, can we just keep practicing? I don't wanna talk about it."

We all nodded and I sat down as the boys grabbed their instruments and began to play. Alex then went off and started to play his drums to his own beat and Reggie and Luke stopped. "Alex, you alright?" Luke asked him as I stood up and approached them.

"Yeah, yeah. Why?"

"I know it's tough, man." Reggie said. "People say you'll never forget your first ghost. Maybe that's true. But... I'm sure there will be others."

"Yeah. That's, Reg."

"And, Alex, you're a great drummer and a great guys, okay? I wouldn't let all that stuff get in between you and what you love." Luke added.

"I don't know, man." Reggie said. "Sometimes a little fire can make things better in the stage. Like you and Julie." I frowned.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Luke asked, nervously with a smile on his face.

"Come on. Everyone can see the way you look at her when you sing. You guys ooze chemistry."

"You should never say ooze again, but, yeah, I agree." Alex added.

"Okay, no. I have chemistry with everybody that I sing with. Just watch." Luke claimed as he put his guitar down. "I believe, I believe that we're just one dream. Away from who we're meant to be. That were standing on the edge of... great." Luke sang. Finishing with his face close to Reggie.

"Wow. I see chemistry." Alex said.

"That was pretty hot." Reggie admitted before Luke kissed his fingers and placed them onto Reggie's lips.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go." I frowned as I headed through the garage door.

"What was that about?" I heard Luke question.

"No idea." Reggie said before clearing his throat. "Girls, am I right?"

"Yeah." Luke asked.

"No." Alex said before I walked off.


"Hey, are you okay?" Alex asked me as he walked into my bedroom. I nodded my head.

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked him.

"The way you left earlier."

"I'm sorry it's just- the way you and Reggie were talking about Luke and Julie. I can see it too."

"Is that why you won't do anything about it?" Alex asked me as he sat on the edge of my bed. "Because of Julie."

"Everything I have ever done has been for Julie." I admitted. "Except for dying. That was me."

"Well, then maybe you need to do this one thing for yourself."

"I don't wanna hurt her." I whispered. "And besides, it's a two sided thing. I see the way Luke looks at Julie."

"And I see the way Luke looks at you." Alex smiled. I scoffed and fell back on my bed and Alex lied down beside me.

"Why do boys have to be so complicated?" I asked him.

"I have no idea." Alex said. 

Ghosted - Luke | Julie and the Phantoms Where stories live. Discover now