Both- Chapter Three

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The cool September air made me thankful for my aviator jacket. My jacket never left my body. It was a gift from my sister Bianca. She died when I was 11. I met Percy because of her.

I was breathing in the fall atmosphere, wallowing in self pity, when I was rudely interrupted,

"Hey man, do you know the answer to question 7 on the math homework?" I spun around to see Jason standing there. As always, he had his black rimmed glasses and a kind look in his electric blue eyes.

Jason was the ultimate dad friend. He was loyal, kind, always there for you, always concerned for you. He was cute, but I'd never really thought of him in that way. Besides, he was definitely straight. He had a thing with this girl Piper- and by thing, I mean they flirted and obviously liked each other, but denied it when anyone asked them.

"Didn't do it," I replied. Jason was about to give me a lecture on something stupid like getting my grades up, or going to college, or being successful in life, when the bell rang and I was able to make my escape.

Saved by the bell, I thought, as I walked away from my blonde jock-nerd of a friend. I didn't have any classes with him until fourth period, so I could at least skip until then. The halls were gloomier than usual today. I didn't really care until I heard the chattering and gossip.

" one saw him after that..."

"...Was he drunk?..."

"...Katie said that Meg told her that Drew saw him leave at..."

"...he's so hot, I hope he can still play..."

" one has heard anything from him..."

"Will Solace is missing?"

I stopped in my tracks. I tried to listen some more, but by then everyone was already scrambling to get in their classes. I usually went to first period, which was bio for me, because it was the only class where my teacher didn't suck.

Mr. Brunner was laid back enough that he wouldn't fail you if you submitted an assignment late, but he was strict enough that his class wasn't a zoo.

I walked in. Saw the sub. Walked right back out. Can you blame me? Not that I would do the work anyways, but I wasn't gonna sit in a classroom for 56 minutes without my favorite teacher, or someone to actually talk to. I walked out the school doors, straight back to the September air, and got on my bike.

No, not a bicycle, a motorbike. That's right. The emo junior who has barely any friends and wears all black, has a motorcycle. Say what you want. I don't care.

I wasn't sure where I was headed. Just away. I had three hours until I had to be back, so I decided to go where most kids at my school don't usually go. That way I wouldn't see anyone I knew.


I knew there would be rumors. I didn't care. I just needed to clear my head. The hangover didn't help.

I... I don't really remember what happened. I know I was drunk. Flashes of it started coming back to me as I was sitting in the Shake Shack booth alone with my root beer and Advil. I remembered the party... the flashing neon lights... being dragged into that room... being forced to... I slammed my head against the wooden table. A few people looked over, but most just carried on with their days.

I didn't go to school. There's no way. I needed time away from all of the fake friends and girls obsessing over me because of the way I looked. I came to Shake Shack because no one would find me here. Everyone's go-to hangout was at Chick-fil-a. (It was closer, and, according to the guys on the football team, "a bunch of hot girls work there".) That's why I was surprised when a familiar face walked through the entrance.

One look at his dark eyes and mop of dark brown hair, and I immediately knew I was looking at Nico di Angelo. I only realized I was staring when he looked at me, confused, and then quickly looked away. Was he... blushing? No, Will, I told myself, You're making this up. You just want him to like you.

I was mad at myself for even getting the idea. No one would accept me. I would be a friendless loser. But would that be so bad? A tiny voice in the back of my head asked. I quickly got the thought out of my head as Nico headed for the exit with a drink in his hand. I watched as he walked past my booth. He was almost at the exit when my voice took over.

Now you may wonder why I did what happens next, and I'll tell you the truth, I don't have the slightest idea.

"Wait!" I called. Nico slowly turned around. He looked around as if to see if I was talking to someone else.

"Do you want to sit down with me?" He stared at me like he could not believe the words coming out of my mouth, and if I'm being honest, I couldn't, either. It had just dawned on me that he might not remember me, or worse, he had something against me.

He cautiously made his way toward my booth and shuffled into the other side. He looked down, so his bangs made a shadow come over his face.

Neither of us said anything for a few moments, until I heard a soft voice come from Nico's side of the booth.

"So, uh, why aren't you at school?" Looking into his eyes, I'd almost forgotten my unwillingly caused trauma. Almost.

Hey guys!! So this chapter is around the size I want to make my regular chapters. I'm going to be posting once or twice a week, depending on how much I write, and how much free time I have. I don't have specific days that I would post, sorry about that. I know I say this every time, but feedback is always welcome!! Make sure to vote if you like this:))

-Deana:)   10/14/20

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