Chapted 10

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Izuku walked into his living room with a bowl of popcorn. He placed it in the middle of the small blanket fort with all the other snacks and drinks. He was wearing a loose fitting shirt, one of which was his father's, so way oversized, and shorts. Uraraka came out of the bathroom, adorning fluffy pajama bottoms and a pink t-shirt.

She quickly put her hair up in a messy bun, smiling at the greenette, "Ready for this marathon?"

"Duh." Izuku giggled, plopping onto the blanket on the floor. "You better hurry up before I start it without you."

Uraraka laughed, plopping next to Izuku, "I didn't take that long to change."

"Yes you did. Took you almost 10 minutes." Izuku prodded.

"Ok, well I had a hair issue." Uraraka rolled her eyes playfully, then saw Izuku's confused face. "I tried a braid, it didn't work. So that was five minutes of my time."

Izuku laughed, "Ok, ok."

The greenette leaned back, pressing play on the remote to start their marathon. They were watching a show on Netflix, but each episode was about an hour long. They were giving themselves a challenge to watch all of season one that night—they were starting at 7 pm— since season two would be coming out in a month or so.

"13 hours." Uraraka mumbled as she stuffed her face with the buttery popcorn. "Here we go!"

Well, five episodes later and the two were hungry for an actual meal. Of course, Izuku was craving Katsudon, which Uraraka was completely fine with.

"I'll make the pork!" Uraraka exclaimed, pulling out the ingredients.

Izuku eyed her, "If you burn it, Ura, I swear I will shove this spoon down your throat."

"Oh~ how feisty, Izu!" Uraraka chirped. "Don't worry! Your precious Katsudon will be safe with me!"

Izuku laughed, turning to do his own work. It was quiet, except for the sizzling of pork and popping of rice. In conclusion, they were making a mess in the kitchen just to make a serving for two people.

"Hey, Izu?" Uraraka hesitantly spoke up.

Izuku almost dropped the dishes when she rid of the silence, "Hey, Ura?"

"Sorry." She chuckled, being assured it's fine. "I wanted to ask... how did your date with Bakugo go the other day?"

"Date?!" Izuku screeched, stabbing a fork into the bowl of Katsudon he had served.

Uraraka was quick to rid of all sharp objects and move their food to the dining table, "I meant 'get together', I'm sorry. How did your meet up with him go? I'm wanting to here all the juicy stuff. Did you talk with him?"

"It went-" Izuku sighed, his arms subconsciously wrapping around himself. "It went well... I actually had a good time. He was really nice, but well- I mean he's a little hot headed and rude, but he just has a rough exterior. We... We only really talked about what we like."

"That's great, Izu!" Uraraka exclaimed, throwing herself onto the boy and hugging him.

Izuku awkwardly laughed, "Yeah, it is."

"You should be happier." Uraraka mumbled, stepping back. "What's wrong?"


"I can't commit." Katsuki admitted.

Mina was laying on the couch, on her stomach. She was swinging her legs back and forth happily as Katsuki told her about Izuku, but she rested them when he recently spoke.

She pushed herself up, sitting criss crossed and facing the blonde, "What do you mean?"

"Like I fucking know." Katsuki grumbled, fiddling with the hem of his hoodie.

"Talk to me." Mina demanded. "I want to help."

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "If I can't commit to my own problems, how the hell am I supposed to commit to my soulmate?"

"Your... problems?" Mina hesitantly inquired.

"You know, my fucking problems." Katsuki growled. "No matter what the fuck I do, I fall back into them. I'm a fucking alcoholic, I can't fucking stop smoking, and I'm going back into bad habits."

Mina furrowed her eyebrows, "Katsuki, let me see your-"

"No, fuck you. That's not the fucking point right now!" Katsuki lashed out.

"Fine." Mina scowled, glancing at his covered wrists then back to him. "What if Izuku could help you?"

Katsuki had a face of disgust, "Why the hell would I tell him?"

"Over time you get to know him better, he gets to know you better." Mina explained. "You can't deal with things on your own, especially since you don't want to seek proper medical help."

"Cause I don't need it!"

"Katsuki, actually listen to me!"

"I am god damn it!" Katsuki cried out, standing up. "I am, I really am! Do you know how hard I try to not push you away?! To tell you to fuck off?! Putting all my shit on my supposedly fucking soulmate isn't what I would want! Hell, he probably has his own shit to deal with. Why the hell should I add to his plate?!"

Mina was next to stand, "But you don't know that! He could be your ticket out of-"

"Mina!" Katsuki snapped, tears pooling over his ruby eyes.

The woman quieted herself, watching the blonde slump back in his chair. She knew how hard he was trying. She knew he really was trying his best. She moved off the couch and kneeled in front of Katsuki, taking his shaky hands. He yanked them back, glaring at the girl as he took deep breathes.

"Sorry." Mina whispered, folding her hands in her lap. "No matter how much you push us away, we're going to push back. We're not going to abandon you or judge you for anything you do or say. We're not therapists, we don't have degrees in that field, but we listen and we want to hold you up. We want to help you. So please, do us a favor. Don't push Izuku away, let him help."

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