Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
Tris' POV:

"Where's the baby?" Evelyn asks. "Did he come early? Why didn't you bring him?"

Tears pool in my eyes.

"Evelyn--mom-- the baby.... didn't make it." Tobias says slowly.

The tears stream freely down my face.

"W-What?" She stutters.

"He died the day after he was born." Tobias explains.

"Oh my God," she states in shock. "Why? How?"

"He just decided to come early. Too early."

"Is this your fault?" She asks, pointing her finger at me.

"I-- I don't know."

"So it is your fault! You killed my grandson!" She screeches.

"No-No I didn't kill him. I didn't kill him." I cry shaking my head.

"You liar," she spits.

"Evelyn, she did NOT kill him!" Tobias defends me.

"How could you love her Tobias? She killed your son!" She ignores him.

I sob.

"She did not! If anything it was me!"


"He died while I was holding him!" He exclaims, with tears in his eyes. "I'm just like him Evelyn. Just like Marcus."

"You are not! Don't ever say that!" I scold him. "Tobias you didn't kill our baby, I've told you already!"

"So it WAS you!" Screams Evelyn.

"No! It's not my fault," I cry. "I have this condition where my body has a hard time supporting another life."

"You just admitted it!" She tells me.

This is too much. How could my mother in law- who I got along so well with not that long ago- accuse me of killing my son?

I drop to the ground, sitting on my feet, and sob.

Tobias gets down with me.

"She did not kill our son. You have no right to accuse her of that. She tried her hardest to keep him alive. She tried so hard. I couldn't be more thankful."

I hug him tight.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too."

"Come one Tris," he helps me up. "We're going home."

As we walk away Tobias calls, "Evelyn, I'm never speaking with you again. Don't bother trying to come by."


When we get home I sit at the couch and stare at the wall. I'm in shock. How could she do such a thing?

Tobias sits next to me.

"Hey, we both need to eat so how about we wash up and go to the cafeteria and see our friends. Uriah will be there, and we could use a laugh." He suggests.

I nod hesitantly and get up.

I go into the bathroom and try to wash away the redness, and puffiness of my eyes.

When I'm finished I go into the living room where Tobias is waiting for me.



We head out to the cafeteria.

As soon as we walk in our friends go quiet.

"Hey," I say as they stare.

"Hey Tris," Uriah says standing up.

He walks over to me and hugs me tight. He really is like a big brother to me, even though he's only about 5 months older than me. Tobias knows not to get jealous, and so does Chris. They know we're like siblings.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

I nod, then shrug, then shake my head. There's no use in lying.

He walks over to Tobias.

"You doing ok Four?" Tobias shrugs.

This is one of the only times Uriah has ever been serious.

I sit down next to Christina, and she hugs me, careful not to let her baby bump touch me. I'm pretty sure she knows that if it does I will either get extremely angry or extremely depressed.

"How're you guys?" I ask trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

"Fine," Shauna answers.

It's silent once again.

Tobias comes to the table with some food for us. I slowly pick at my food, not in the mood to eat.

Tobias eats his.

"Tris, why aren't you eating?" Chris asks, concerned.

"I just haven't been in the mood to eat lately." I say.

"Tris, please eat something. Your not healthy."

I just shrug and continue to pick at my food.

"I'm not hungry." I say truthfully.

She just sighs.

"Can I ask you something?" Uriah asks.

I assume it's about the baby, and we shouldn't keep it from them, so I nod.

"Why'd Trace come so early?"

I sniffle and shut my eyes tight. He said his name. He said my baby's name.

"Uri," Christina says.

"It's ok," Says Tobias. He looks at me, asking my permission to tell them.

I nod.

"Because she's been through so much," He points at me, "her body has a hard time supporting another life. I guess her body had had enough and couldn't support him any longer, so he came early."

"Tris," Christina gets up and hugs me.

"It's my fault Christina, it's my fault he's dead," I cry into her shoulder,

"Tris this isn't your fault at all," She pulls back and looks at me with tears swimming in her eyes. "Did you want him to come early? Did you choose this?"

I shake my head no.

"Then it is NOT your fault."

I still cry. My poor baby didn't deserve this.


A/N: Hey! Two updates in two days?!? Yall are so lucky! (PS do not get used to this 😂)

QOTD: Are you good at singing?

Well, bye!

Be brave. <4

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