Revenge: Samuel Hayden edition

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You walked for what seemed to be hours, the constant hoards of demons that you ran into started tiring you out. You glanced at the slayer, he looked fine not fazed by anything that came his way. He must have trained for years, his aiming was on point, not to mention his strength compared to a normal human being, is almost godlike.

"Were reaching our teleportation point, I can configure a teleporter from here" Vega said, while a black hole with a blue ring opened up infront of you. You looked at the Slayer,

"Will it hurt...?"

"You'll feel a slight tingling sensation, this may vary for first timers" Vega responded, this isn't very reassuring. The slayer started walking towards the portal, noticing your hesitation he grabs your hand, startled you follow him into the portal.

You end up at a secluded room, debriee everywhere.

"Dr. Samuel Hayden is on the other side of the Arc command center" The slayer looks at you to make sure your okay, you felt chills everywhere.

"I-Im fine...I think" the Slayer nods and goes toward and punches a wall open. You gawk in amazement, you were starting to feel more safe around him.

A hologram appeared as you both walked to the broken elevator.

"Good News for the Faithful! The deceiver Samuel Hayden has fallen. The Arc is no more!"

You glanced at the slayer in worry, does that mean everyone is dead?
The slayer pats your shoulder reassuring everything will be okay. You inhale, and exhale nodding. As you both stood at the entrance of the broken elevator shaft.

You turn around to start climbing down, but without warning the Slayer picks you up, and jumps down. Your gut suddenly felt like it flipped, because your face was a light pink, but you were clutching for dear life.

He broke through the elevators ceiling, as his weight and sudden impact brought the elevator down to the first floor, or to what it seemed it was.

The door opened, he's still holding on to you. As the demons ahead were distracted fighting with each other.

"Y-You can put me down now" you blushed, embarrassment showing on your face. He nodded and did so, in exchange he took out his shotgun and went at it.

You followed closely behind him. However when you saw a Mancubus, you turned to hide so you wouldn't scorched to death. All a sudden a whiplash demon comes out from nowhere and almost gets you with it's claws. You immediately bring out your gun, and move back from your hiding place, hands shaking you try to calm yourself.

'ok just...Deep breath, eyes open.....aim' it moved quickly across the floor as soon as I got up to snatch you.
'Fire!' You shot it in the head, it staggered back. The Slayer noticed this and dashed over and sliced it into pieces. You exhale a shaky breath, the Slayer pats your shoulder as a way of congratulating you. You look at him and slightly smile, as the barrier that was blocking the next room fell. The Slayer dashed over to eliminate the threat. You felt useless really, so in an effort to help you distracted a pinky so that way the slayer could kill it from behind.

You both stopped at the entrance to the outside. The Slayer held you in place to look at him.

"There is a hoard up ahead, it would be wise if you would stay here." Vega instructed, You nodded as you took shelter a further away.

It took around 5-20 minutes, your legs, and feet starting to fall asleep after being in that cramped hiding place for a while. You hear footsteps, assuming it's him you come out from your hiding spot. The slayer waits for you to follow him, as you both head to the next section.

A Promise (Doom Slayer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now