Mirror mirror

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When I look inside the mirror there is only a monster that I see,
There is never any beauty starring proudly back at me.
People use to judge me so I learned to judge myself,
I am an unopened book sitting on a lonely shelf.

Sometimes I wonder, why am I even here?
What would they think if chose to disappear?
To them it's funny all the stupid jokes,
But to me? That's what hurts the most.
They wouldn't judge me anymore, they would say I was beautiful, after the blade and I already hit the floor.

So as I am crying laying in bed,
Everything they say gets into my head.
I rush to the bathroom for I want to go home,
In this world, I am just so alone.
As I leave the last thing I see,
Is all the blood rushing out of me.

When they hear what happened, they put their heads down in shame,
For they all know that they have won their filthy little game.
After pondering words left unsaid. They wish they could go back, but it's too late I'm already dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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