Visit to earth part 2

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We left of with the guards not letting he throw because they say if you infuriate the Omni kings they might destroy this universe and that's what shocked her that Goku doesn't love her anymore because he didn't say anything to him to get out of the way or anything she just left.

Beerus was there and didn't realised the
the Omni kings were at at the party until now he came fast and bowed down.

Beerus: What is your desire Omni kings

he lifted his head to see Goku with the outfit of an Omni king and was surprised.

Beerus: What are you doing cosplaying or something.

Goku: No I'm the Omni king with the Zenni's.

Beerus was shocked and taken a back by this because he treated Goku like a stupid mortal and now he might be punished because of that.

Whis came and knew that Goku was the Omni king from his father he sensed Goku energy it was overwhelming like something he never sensed before.He was looking at his clothes the clothes were worthy of a Omni king his power was also worthy everything was worthy about him.

Whis asked Goku what was like to be Omni king he said that it is kinda boring do to the fact that he never got to fight only to erase (This shucks Beerus a bit because he might erase the universe if he so chooses).

Beerus says to Goku that if he want's me to be his bodyguard .

Goku refused and said that it's boring and that we should leave and he says to Vageta that he can't beat him anymore this pissed Vageta of but says that one day I will beat you (Let's be real guys he will never beat Goku)

They arrive back in the palace and everyone goes back to their work

Goku found something strange on the universes number it said there are 13 universes instead of 12 this confused Goku and told the Grand Priest and he explained what happened. It happened when 17 made the wish to bring back all the universes when he did that universe 13 came back because it was erased by the current Omni king Zeno so that what happened.

Goku understands and tells him that they should visit that universe some times.

Grand Priest: Omni Goku I have to tell you that universe 13 does not have an angel and a god of destruction.

Goku: I've got an idea

He teleported to merus and told him what it happened he accepted the proposal that Goku made. Goku teleported again but this time he teleported to a planet called Vampa a creature tried to kill him but he erased it on the spot he sensed some power levels and found what he was searching for , Broly can I ask you something he says ok as I tell him everything and he can bring his family if he wants he accepted and we go to universe 13.

We arrived as the world was in work by the angel Meerus and the world wasn't half bad and he said his farewell and left.

He was in the palace when he saw Vados and Marcarita he welcomed them and said what were they looking for as they say that their father wanted us for something important and the he came

Grand Priest: Aaa so you too came finally

Goku: Why did you tell them to come here ?

Grand Priest: because I want you to be the husband of the two.

Goku: Why me?

Grand Priest: because I believe you will keep them safe no matter what and I think if my daughters will have a baby with the Omni king will be the biggest honour.

Goku: because I respect you so much as a master I will take care of them with my life and I will get a child with them.

Grand Priest: thank you for accepting my daughters.

Goku: but first I want to know if they are alright with the marriage.

Vados: I don't mind.

Marcarita: I don't mind either.

They both hugged you and kissed you each one on the opposite cheek, at the same time you were feeling weird for some reason you felt hot all of a sudden

Sorry for the cliffhanger
Thanks for reading the story and have a good day.

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