Episode 3: Volcano. Part 2

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I own NOTHING but my OCs Kevin, Alex, and Saya. Everything else, all rights go to their owners.
EXTREMELY sorry in advance for it being so SUPER long. You HAVE been warned lol. Now enjoy.

Rescue Center.


Mayor McDaniels - "Is, is it on? Okay. Okay people, form groups and search the mountain. Report back here every hour! You got that?!"

Randy - "Mayor, I might have an uhh, idea."

Mayor McDaniels - "Huh, what?"

Randy - "Well if we can dig a very large trench, we can divert the lava into a canyon, and then it would bypass South Park pretty much completely."

Mayor McDaniels - "And, that would be good? Right?"

Randy - "Uh - pretty sure."

Mayor McDaniels - "Well, what are we waiting for. Okay, people, change of plans! Half of you grab shovels!"


On the mountain. Jimbo and the others have lost sight of Cartman.

Saya - "Fuck!" I couldn't even catch his scent over the smell of my own blood right now. The stitches on my right side came open, again. I had to secretly use my healing to slow the bleeding down, and then glamoured it so no one saw it. Well, except for Alex of course. I was actually breathing a bit hard, and feeling really dizzy at this point. But I still stood tense by Kenny's side, just in case. Alex knows I'm going to die soon, again. But unfortunately he can't prevent it from happening. Cause the first and last time he tried, it just made it a LOT worse for me.

Jimbo - "These look like its tracks. He must have gone this way. Ned, prepare some HK-12 and some plasticine. I'll bet that sucker's headed for a higher elevation. The higher up it- BIRD!!" [Shoots a bald eagle.] (Thankfully I made it look like he did. The real one is safe and sound far from here.) "The higher up it goes, the better it can breathe."

Kyle - [Sees Cartman still dressed as Scuzzlebutt] "Look, up there."

Cartman - "You guys, it's just me."

Jimbo - "Are we sure it's Scuzzlebutt?"

Stan - "Does it have Patrick Duffy for a leg?"

Jimbo - "I can't tell; let's kill it!"

Cartman - "Eh, gotta get out of this stupid costume." Your fault dumb ass.

Jimbo - "Kenny, you take the front."

Saya/Stan - "No!"

Stan takes the rifle from Alex, while I hold Kenny back. Just in case.

Stan - "I can do it Uncle Jimbo. I want to bag that animal!"

Saya/Alex - "Oh he's a animal alright lol" We fist pumped.

Jimbo - "That's the spirit, kiddo. Let's hunt!" Oh dear.

Cartman - "You guys, you guys, I was just kidding!"

Townspeople digging trench.


Newscaster - "As some people of South Park try desperately to save their mountain town, others look for the missing townspeople. But all must take every precaution necessary."

Rescue Center.


Officer Barbrady - "Okay people, listen up. As we near the top of the mountain, the chances of our encountering some lava becomes great. Therefore, I have special-ordered this training film to assist us in volcano safety. Mr. Garrison, if you would please."

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