Episode 8: Starving Marvin. Part 2.

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Continues from part 1.


I own NOTHING but my OCs Kevin, Alex, and Saya. Everything else, all rights go to their owners.
EXTREMELY sorry in advance for it being so SUPER long. You HAVE been warned lol. Now enjoy.

WARNING: Trigger warning.

Principal Victoria's Office.


Principal Victoria - "Okay, thank you very much. Yes, you can pick him up tonight. Bye now."

She hangs up the phone and addresses the boys, and Saya.

Principal Victoria - "Now boys, I hope you've learned your lesson."

Alex - "Ma'am?"

Principal Victoria - "Yes Alex?"

Alex - "Please don't drag me down with them. Both me and Saya has tried to warn and stop them many times now. But they didn't listen."

Saya - "Exactly."

Principal Victoria - "And I understand. You two are not in trouble."

Saya/Alex - "Thank you."

Stan - "No." Me and Alex sighed in disappointment.

Principal Victoria - "You can't care for this child!" She jumped a bit when me and Alex threw our arms up, and exclaimed.

Saya/Alex - "Thank you!"

Kyle - "But I thought we were supposed to care on Thanksgiving."

Principal Victoria - "Yes, but you don't actually get involved with the child's life. You're supposed to just send money, and once in a while they write you a letter. You see, Marvin didn't grow up in a normal place like S
outh Park."

Stan - "So why can't he live here now?"

Saya - "Because cousin, I've already told you, there's a LOT of paperwork to do. Plus you need to be an adult in order to do it."

Alex - "Exactly."

Principal Victoria - "Because he can't!"

Kyle - "Because why?" Me and Alex sighed in pure disappointment.

Saya/Alex - "Oh my Gods. Fucking listen!"

Principal Victoria - "Because eight-year olds can't be parents!"

Saya/Alex - "Thank you!"

Kyle - "Then you take care of him."

Saya/Alex - "Really."

Principal Victoria - [on the spot] "I can't, I, umm...I'm very busy." Me and Alex crossed our arms, and look at her unimpressed.

Saya/Alex - [Emotionless.] "Riiight. You don't want to cause you're too damn lazy, and think they get in the way too damn much. Right?"

Silence. Saya and Alex smirk smugly.

Saya/Alex - "Called it."

Principal Victoria - [Nervous coughing.] "I send my five dollars a month, see?"

Demonstrating her Teiko watch.

Stan - "This sucks, Starvin' Marvin is our friend."

Cartman - "Oh well, back to the poor country with you.

Kyle/Saya/Alex - "You better watch what you say Cartman! You might be poor and hungry some day."

Cartman - "B-huh, huh. Yeah, right."

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