Episode 7: Pinkeye. Part 2

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Continues from part 1.


I own NOTHING but my OCs Kevin, Alex, and Saya. Everything else, all rights go to their owners.
EXTREMELY sorry in advance for it being so SUPER long. You HAVE been warned lol. Now enjoy.

WARNING: Trigger Warning.

It will be COMPLETELY different from the actual episode, and also I'll be adding TWO WHOLE new characters to this. But only one is temporary. So bare with me here. Okay?..

Kagami Iruha by @-High_priest_Zane and Dying Max by me. Kagami Iruha is in the character sheets. But Dying Max is not. I have decided to add him last second. He's called Dying Max cause well, he's dying of cancer. He only had a few weeks left to live, and he wants to die anyways. So, why not just turn him into a zombie? Right? Now, enough of my rambling, and let's get on with the show! *Silence, then Cricket sounds.* Um, I meant book... *nervous cough* Onwards now. *slowly backs out of the room* ....

At the bus stop, nighttime.


'*sigh* Damn it. There is another rabbit cloud.' Alex/Beta - '*sad sigh* I know Alpha, I know.' '*Sad sigh* I am truly sorry Beta, but you know what is to come.' Alex/Beta - '*sad sigh* I know Alpha. But it does not mean that I have to like it.' 'I know.. But at least king and Mystery are safe at home. Right?' Alex/Beta - '...Right..' I saw that Mr. Fat-ass Fucker itself is STILL dressed as the FUCKING KKK! But now Stan is dressed as a black cat? Huh.

 Fat-ass Fucker itself is STILL dressed as the FUCKING KKK! But now Stan is dressed as a black cat? Huh

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Cartman - "Where the hell is Kyle, we don't have all night to wait for him

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Cartman - "Where the hell is Kyle, we don't have all night to wait for him."

Saya/Alpha - "And Kagami too." Since her brothers are doing something else.

Cartman - "Why the FUCK did you invite that whore!?" She was right behind him when I punched him for saying that about my new sister. So she heard and saw everything. "Agh! You BITCH! That fucking hurt!" Kenny and Alex/Beta had to pull me back.

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