Episode 4: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride. Part 2

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I own NOTHING but my OCs Kevin, Alex, and Saya. Everything else, all rights go to their owners.
EXTREMELY sorry in advance for it being so SUPER long. You HAVE been warned lol. Now enjoy.

Warning: Major history lessons lol.

Continues from part 1.

South Park Football Field. Halftime.


Frank - "And now, here to sing the touching song, Loving You is the one and only, John Stamo-...s' brother..."

Jimbo - "Alright Richard!"

Music starts up.

Richard Stamos - "Loving you,
is easy cause you're beautiful,

His voice cracks and the music stops.

Richard - "Aaaaa!"

Jimbo - "What the hell?!"

Richard - "Aaaaa!"

His voice wavers.

Jimbo - "He didn't sing the high F."

Mr. Garrison - "Richard Stamos can't sing a high F, he always screws it up like this."

Jimbo - "Ned, we are going to get our asses kicked."

Richard - "Lalalalala lalalalala lalalalala lala la la lala..."

Mr. Garrison - [Heckling.] "It's obvious where all the talent in that family went!"

Outside of Big Gay Al's Big Gay Animal Sanctuary.


Stan - "Thanks for everything Big Gay Al!"

Sparky - "Ruff! (Yeah!)"

Big Gay Al - "No problem kids. Are you sure you don't wanna stay for some toasted cheese sandwiches?"

Alex - I will next time uncle Al. I promise to try and bring the others too. Okay?"

Big Gay Al - "That'd be super."

Stan - "No thanks, I've gotta get back for the big football game. Come on boy!"

Alex - "Even though it's almost over."

They start to walk off.

Big Gay Al - "Oh Stan?"

They stop.

Big Gay Al - "When you get back to town,"

Earnest music plays.

Big Gay Al - "...tell them about us, will you? Tell them there are gay animals here who need homes, desperately." What are you up to now uncle?

Stan - "I will Big Gay Al, I will."

They depart.

Bell dings.

Big Gay Al - "Ooh, my carrot cake!" [Rushes inside.] Oh uncle. I swear.

South Park Football Field, fourth quarter.


Kyle - "Hike!"

Frank - "And these South Park Cows are being absolutely molested by Middle Park. I haven't seen so many children molested since..."

Mr. Garrison - "I thought you said beating the spread was a sure thing Jimbo."

Mr. Hat - "Yeah, we all put our life savings in this game."

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