End of Me

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"You are more important..", said Bin.

"I am not...", she whispered in a really small voice, but Bin able to hear it.

"Get me down.. we are almost there... I can walk by myself..", said Yejin.

"I know...", he replied slowly.

"But I don't want..", he continued to grab her tightly.

"Ya...Hurry up! Before anyone sees us!", she complained.

"So what? As if they never see us together..", said Bin.

"You know.. that's a long time ago, they don't know us..", said Yejin in a small voice. 

"I don't care, you are still weak Yej.. Please eat a lot.., look at your body, only filled with bones..", said Bin as he concern with her health.

Yejin didn't reply to him, instead, she took the chance to rest her head on top of his shoulder, feeling his warmth. If not now, when can she feel this?

"Ya! Are you okay girl?!", asked Jisub once both of them arrived at their camp.

She only nods to reply to him. She thinks that Bin would put her down once they arrived, instead, he brought her to her tent and her friends. He sits her down on the ground and makes sure she is comfortable. 

"Bin! Your jacket!", she holds his hand to stop him from leaving.

"Just wear it, it's cold here..", said Bin while unexpectedly his hand caressing her hair.

Then, each group had their dinner. Yejin felt much better after, don't know if the treatment from the doctor affects that or his presence that makes her feels different. 

"Wooooo, lovebirds!", said Yoojin nudging Yejin's shoulder.

"Whatever!! He just helps me!", said Yejin against her.

"By the way.. how was Kang Hana?", Yejin asked.

"I don't give a fuck to her! Look what she has done to you!!", while pointing to her wounds.

Yejin glanced where Hana at and thank goodness her force a while ago didn't seem to cause any scars to her. 

"Here! Drink more water Yej! Look at your lips.. so paleee..", said Yejin's friend pointing her white lips.

"Thanks..", she gulped some water and stare blankly again.

"Guys!!! Gather up here please, sit around the bonfire and create a big circle!", said command Principal Kim.

Yejin's group who are mostly last-minute person would always be the last to gather with their friends. Don't know if this is another coincidence, why would her friends and his friends are placed side by side. Of course, Yejin's friends who awkwardly never interact with Bin reject to sit beside him which right now he leaves some space at the most right precisely beside him. 

Her friends quickly filled up the space leaving the spot beside Bin to Yejin. 

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Sit down!", Principal Kim raised his voice again.

Yejin had no choice but to sit beside him. Even after the activity ends, nothing changes, they respectively go back to their tents, playing their own games, and go to sleep. That is how their field trip ends. Tomorrow they will board to their ship and return to normal life.

"30.. 31.. Ok! Everyone is here, please go to your respective room, the same as yesterday ok!", said Teacher Kim.

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