The Fair Treatment

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"Ohok!! Ohok!!!", she coughs.

"Dr! Dr! She gains her consciousness!", shouted the intern to his mentor.

"Gosh! Thank God!!", the doctor directly check her vital and other necessities.

"Please watch her for another 1 hour, if everything is fine, she can be dismissed.", said the doctor.


After 1 hour...

"Hana... Hanaya.. Where are you...", the sound of mother roaming around the hospital.

"Excuse me.. Did you see my daughter, Hana, students from the ferry accident???", Hana's mother starting to ask the nurse.

"Please wait for awhile Ms, let me check..", the nurse begin to search for all the names in the list.

"She is here! Come and follow me Mam..", said the nurse leading to the room.


"Hana.. Hanaya.. why are you here?? HANAA!! MY DAUGHTER! PLEASE SOMEBODY RESCUE HER!! PLEASE!!", screamed Hana's mother. 

"I'm sorry Mam, we lost her. She will be on the side of Heaven.. Believe me Mam.. She tried her best to rescue her friend.. Her friends also will there standing by her side..", said the nurse trying to calming the mother who laid helplessly in the floor.

Behind the corpse room, the student who has just been dismissed couldn't hold her tears anymore. Hana died because trying to rescue her. Hana died. Hana died because of her.

Yejin remember she gave up on her life. She let the water kills her and she know she wanted that. But! How come God was so cruel to torture her with another complication. She wants to end everything. That stupid girl! That girl should live not her!!

The rain was pouring hard! The coldness doesn't even bother this weak girl walking alone on the road. Staring emptily until she had no idea she arrived at her home.

"Agashi!!! What are you doing walking in the rain!! What if you get sick!!"
"Look at your pale blue face!! Ahjumma will prepare hot bath for you!", said Ahjumma, the maid in her house.

"Ahjumma.. Are eomma and appa here?", Yejin said with her small voice almost whispering.

"Yes.. they are in the living room." , she replied.

Yejin walk to her bedroom passing by the living room with her parents enjoying the news in Tv. Ironically, they don't even know one of the students from that news is actually exist in the house. They don't know! They don't care!

She sits herself on the floor facing towards the wide window. Her head leaning to the glass hoping for a person she could leaned for. Eyes brimming with tears and unspoken words. She keeps thinking about that one girl, she hates the most, she bullied the most, that girl who has everything she doesn't have. That should be the one who live.. That should be the one who continue her happy life.. Not her.. Not her who invincible in this world. Not her who keeps make things harder. Not her who recklessly destroy everything near her.


Two weeks later..

The remaining students starting to get back to their usual day in school. With the class full of flowers and reminisce pictures of the dead. It is beautiful but speaks of sadness.

Yejin had no one but herself. Her best friends left her to a better world. She was alone and treated like she deserves it.

She became Hana who always getting bullied. Those students keeps bothering her. Keeps sneering, mocking on how she has killed Hana. Keeps throwing rot eggs to her hair, face, uniform. Everything that visible to their eyes become their target.

She would sits alone having her meal on the very corner in the cafeteria. She drastically lost her weight and her face becoming paler as days go by. She won't speak and she won't fight what she deserved. This is what Hana usually felt when she bullied her and she knows she should receive this kind of treatment.


The bell has rang indicating start of lunch time. She gets her food tray and line up, she doesn't even react or show her anger when people purposely push her to the back and make sure she was lined on the last place.

She puts her tray on the table in the most corner of the room. Her permanent place where she eats her lunch. Although, she sits farthest from the other students, sound of her becoming a murderer flowing to her ear like a song endlessly.

She took a few little bites and she felt it. Her nose is bleeding again. The right time to escape this hell.

I'm really sorry for the very slow update. Assignments and tests really got me pressured, thank you for reading this story.
Love, author.

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