Chapter 1- Pregnant

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Hey Guys! Welcome to my new story "Lost and Found" be sure to read the description! I hope you enjoy it!

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Hey Guys! Welcome to my new story "Lost and Found" be sure to read the description! I hope you enjoy it!

Izuku Midoriya POV

I woke up to my All Might alarm chiming "I AM HERE!" Over and over, I sat up feeling my stomach churn. I'm probably just hungry... I got out of bed and looked around for my uniform, After finding it I walked into my bathroom stripping my PJs off.

Today is the last day of the week, only a few more months until I can finally become a pro hero. I could control Black Whip fully and control One For All at 72%.

I was about to get in the shower when I gagged and ran to the toilet throwing up last night's dinner and maybe lunch too. What did I eat yesterday that made me sick? I wipe my mouth and got in the shower soaking my hair.

I looked down as I scrubbed my hair with shampoo and my eyes widened. Kacchan and I... We did It yesterday and I was in heat! Crap Crap CRAP!

I rinsed my hair quickly and scrubbed my body clean, We didn't clean up yesterday... he came Inside. Oh my god, this can't be happening!

I got out drying my hair and body as fast as possible and I felt tears of frustration roll down my freckled face. Kacchan doesn't want kids! Does he? NO! Kacchan doesn't even seem like the kid type. I could feel and smell the distress pheromones leaking out of my scent glands and I quickly put the patches on both my wrist ones and neck ones.

I put deodorant on and my school uniform then checked my watch. If I'm fast enough I can get a pregnancy test or two then get to class! "W-What If I am..." I shook my head and slapped my face, I'll be fine just don't... think about it.

I ran to the store without anyone seeing me and I bought two of them quickly shoving them in my bag. I looked at my watch and started sprinting to my class I'm gonna be late!!

I got to the door and hunched over panting trying to calm my breathing. I opened the door and walked to my seat smiling and waving at my friends like normal. As soon as I sat down Kacchan turned around "Why are you here later than normal?" I felt like I was warming up, "I-I um.. Took a long shower!" Sweat rolled down my forehead and I wiped it away.

He stared at me for confirmation and finally turned around nodding. "Pervy nerd had to clean up from last night~" He mumbled and I blushed barely remembering what happened.

Mr. Aizawa walked in and class began, We were going to be training alone on our special moves. This was the perfect time to go talk to All Might! I know I should train but this is important. I changed in a stall like normal since most of the class was Alphas and Betas I have to change in a stall so it's not... awkward.

Kacchan likes that I do that so I guess that's a plus. "Mr. Aizawa, can I go talk to All Might?" when he nodded I made my way to the Teachers Lounge.

Before arriving I decided to quickly take the pregnancy tests. I jogged to the bathroom and took them both setting them on the toilet paper holder as I sat on the toilet waiting. It took about five minutes and I looked at the first one, I felt my heart stop seeing the positive sign. No no no no I can't!

I picked up the other one and tears immediately pooled out of my eyes "Please no! why?!" They were positive, and I was pregnant. I'm not ready to have a baby! Oh my God, what will Kacchan say?

He's gonna be furious! I thought I was on birth control... Wait, I didn't make it last time cause of the medicine from my injuries. I'm so screwed! What will I do? An abortion?! Never... I could never kill my child. But I know I'm not ready to be a mother. But I know I can't tell Kacchan.

After calming down and wiping my face with hot water I walked back to the teacher lounge. "you can do this Izuku"

I knocked on the door then walked in to see All Might sitting on the couch, no other teachers were inside.

"A-All might..." He looked over and grinned "Good Morning Young Midoriya!" I waved shyly and sat across from him even more nervous to tell him about it.

"A-All might I'm... I'm pregnant" I looked down waiting for a lecture or him to say he's disappointed. But he didn't? I looked up and he had sad eyes but none the less he was smiling at me. "Don't worry Izuku we'll figure it out" he used my first name and All my worries seem to disappear. "Th-Thank you!" I hugged him crying sad and happy tears.

We pulled away and I sat next to him this time, "W-What am I gonna D-Do All Might? I can't get rid of the baby! I would never forgive myself" He sighed "We can send you to train with Gran Torino In secret, No one can know about you being pregnant, it would put you in danger" I nodded. All Might knows how to fix everything! "what will you tell young Bakugo?" I gulped I'm not even sure myself.

I'm scared... If I tell him he'll get mad and leave me. But if I don't he might hate me later for it... My child might hate me for it... What do I do?

"Exactly what you said, I'm going away to train in private..."

The first chapter is done~

I hope you liked it see ya next time!!

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Word Count: 1000

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