Chapter 12- The Kids

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Izuku Midoriya POV

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Izuku Midoriya POV

"Deku what did you do?" Not his Alpha voice... I-I can't resist it. "please no" I begged the tears overflowing as I continued to squirm in his grip. "Tell me!" He slammed his fist on the wall and I could see tears shining in his eyes as well.

"Did you sleep with someone else? It's fine if you did... I won't be mad" I shook my head trying to wipe the tears away but they kept pouring "No" He sighed in relief and my sobs got louder. "D-Did you find s-someone new?" His voice cracked and tears strew down his face in despair. I shook my head quickly "N-No! I P-Promised I would W-Wait for you.." He smiled "then what's wrong?! I-We can be together!" He hugged me tightly but I pushed him away.

I'm terrible, He waited and Waited while I lived my life without him. "I'm a terrible person" he growled close to my ear and pulled back holding my shoulder tightly "No you not! Your cute, funny, fuck your hot as hell, and you complete me. Deku your fucking perfect in my eyes and anyone else can see that you are!" I push him away harder this time, I have gotten weak... haven't I?

I shook my head over and over again "You don't- Then just say it!! Tell me what you did!! If it's so bad spit it out damn it!"


(I didnt know how to word that 😂😰)

It came out before I even realized what I said, my eyes widened and at the moment he was completely shocked, he would be mad. I quickly ran to the door and unlocked it before running out and into Kirishimas office. "Katsuma! Katsuma it's time to go home!"

Kirishima walked out slowly, he looked mortified and I stopped and stood there. "What's wrong?" He walked over and pulled me into a hug, what happened? "Ochako and the girls were attacked... by the League, we need to get to the hospital... now" I gasped "Mahoro was with them!"

I ran and picked up Katsuma, mother panic taking over me. "Lets go-Deku!" As soon as we walked out Kacchan called my name chasing after us. "Not now! Mahoro might be hurt!" He still chased us confused on who that was. He caught up and I rolled my eyes "Its your daughter" He looked away from me and nodded, I knew he would hate me... he cant even look at me.

We rushed into Kirishimas car, and of course I was in the back seat with Katsuma. How does that even work?! Its my Kid- Our.. kid its our kid. He clearly hates me though, I dont even know if he will want to be in their lives after finding out. This is why I didnt want to tell him "Fucking Deku trying to suffocate me? Stop worrying" I covered my scent gland in panic. "S-Sorry..." I leaned on the car door gazing out the window at all the people we passed while driving. I tried not to think of Mahoro but I just had to ask.

I scooted to the middle seat and leaned over the middle compartment. "So did they say how she was doing? Will she be okay??" I was gonna continue the questions when a rough hand covered my mouth. I growled and looked over at Kacchan before rolling my eyes and sitting back. If he's gonna hate me after saying he wouldnt be mad then Im gonna be petty.

I seemed to be getting on his last nerve and I couldnt help a small smirk formed on my freckled face. "Mommy- You brought Ground Zero too?!" Katsuma spoke up finally awaking from his nap, he had fallen asleep a while ago.

I smiled awkwardly and looked at him nodding slowly "Yeaaaaa" Katsuma bounced in his seat "are you gonna sleep with him to?!" He didnt even realize what he was implying. "WHAT?!" Kacchan bursted before I or Kirishima could say anything. "K-Katsuma- YOU SLEPT WITH DEKU?!" I gasped and tried speaking AGAIN but this time Kirishima spoke "No man! Seriously?! I just slept in the same bed-"

Kacchan was fuming and he looked back at me with hurt in his eyes "Fucking slut" He looked away back out the window. But... We- I... I sat back and buckled up leaning my head on the car door silently. "Bakugo- what the hell? He was crying and I was just trying to calm him down" Kacchans mouth gaped and I seen it in the window reflection but he stayed silent.

He didnt even care... he thought I slept with someone else so easily. He wouldnt even let me tell him what happened.

"Mommy?" I looked over and smiled, we finally arrived at the Hospital and I let Kirishima carry Katsuma inside. I kissed his cheek and when we walked In Ochako rushed over hugging me "Deku! Im so sorry! We didnt see them coming and-and when they blew up the wall a rock hit Mahoro!" I covered her mouth looking at her seriously, "Its fine, Is Mahoro gonna be okay?" She nodded grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a room.

"She has a... minor concussion were just waiting for her to wake up..." I gasped seeing my little girl in a hospital bed, bandage over her head. I pulled a chair up and held her hand, small sobs escaping as I seen her look so vulnerable. She was always sassy and liked to talk back... I laid my head on the side of the bed when a Hand softly rubbed my back, It was Kacchans. My tears slowly stopped and I thanked him.

Ahehehe so Kacchan knows now >:) and Mahoro was hurt? By the League?? Will she be okay?

Woaahh cya next Chapter Darlings ;)

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Word Count: 1000

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