Chapter 29- Save to Win

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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

Shigaraki had appeared behind Deku his hand reaching towards the green-haired boy's head. Katsuki locked eyes with the Villain before he launched towards the two screaming his Omegas name "DEKU!!" He jumped in between the two and let off one of his strongest explosions straight to Shigarakis's chest but...

He wasn't the only one who got a hit in, Instead of Shigaraki being there He melted away to reveal Toga whose knife had now impaled Katsuki straight through the stomach.

The League was running out of time and Kurogiri used the little bit of quirk he had left after just reawakening and they teleported out of there. It took Deku a minute to process before he ran to his Alphas limp body. "Oh god no- Kacchan? Kacchan!" His hands worked quickly as he pulled the knife out and pressed against the wound causing Bakugo to growl. "I'm sorry... please stay with me"

Izuku ripped the sleeve of his Hero costume and tied it tightly around Katsukis whole abdomen. His new muscle gain worked greatly as he carefully lifted Katsuki starting to rush towards the hospital. Which was not close at all, It was by Mahoro and Katsumas school, meaning it was all the way across town.

"Well make it don't worry just keep your eyes open okay Kacchan?" Izuku tried to keep Katsuki from drifting away as the thin piece of hero suit turned a dark maroon shade of red. Deku started crying before he even got to Bakugo when he fell. "Its all my fault how could I have been so reckless..." 'I'm so weak'

His mind self-pitied him but his body kept itself going, he had to make it to the hospital before Katsuki lost too much blood. Where were the other heroes?! "Damn it Deku I'm fine!" No, he isn't. Deku knew it and he knew it too. Bakugo was trying harder than Deku, he was trying harder not to close his eyes, not to leave his Omega alone with the kids again. But he was also thinking Of how Izuku would react...

He'd be horrified. Izuku would blame everything on himself and fall into a dark hole of depression. No one would be able to pull him out of it because the only thing that would be running through the Omegas mind was that He killed his Alpha.

Of course, Izuku didn't actually but, that's who he was he blamed others' wounds and mistakes on himself. Katsuki had saved him and risked his own life, Izuku took that into his brain and immediately thought 'If only you were strong, If only you weren't so weak Kacchan wouldn't have to save you all the time, If only you were a hero.'

He wanted the bad thoughts to stop but they never did. Why was he like this? Oh right. 'If only you didn't give up' he was supposed to become the symbol of peace and here he was. Trying to save the love of his life who had to save him.

Izuku saw heroes rushing towards them and he waved "Help, please! He needs to be taken to the hospital!!" An ambulance was not far behind them. "Kacchan you'll make it... Kacchan? KACCHAN!!" Katsukis eyes closed, Fuck he was just resting for a second.

They rushed the now unconscious Ground Zero onto a gurney and into the Ambulance where Izuku rode with. They immediately started to try and stop the bleeding on the way there. The knife almost pierced through to the other side. Is that even considered a Knife anymore?!

Short Time Skip 30 minutes

Katsuki laid in a hospital bed, Izuku holding his hand tightly his eyes red and puffy from crying so much. He could not help it his Alpha was laying in a bed near death and Izuku could not help him, at all.

They had successfully performed surgery and the wound was closed by stitches. But the doctors said it could open at any point. The spot he had been stabbed was so close to the heart they had to be extremely careful when stitching it closed. Izuku waited in the other room rather than watching them do that. He could not last five minutes until he heard Bakugo scream in pain that he forced himself to leave.

The heart monitor was beating too slow for Izuku to calm down. His eyes constantly watched it, It cant stop. No, It won't stop. It suddenly started going faster and Izuku panicked pressing the nurse button and within seconds nurses rushed in. Calling out didn't terms Izuku didn't understand he has pushed away as they pulled the blanket down to reveal the stitches had been opened.

Izuku could feel his heart speed up as he panicked mumbling "Please... Please Kacchan push through it..." He felt the room start to spin as he got dizzy. All the crying and worrying started to cause a major toll on his body and he slowly sat down back next to Katsuki.

The nurses carefully fixed the stitches trying to calm his heart rate down but nothing was working. "DE-" why was his name being called out? He was perfectly fine...

"DEKU-" why does it sound far away isn't it just Kacchan... wait Kacchan?!

Izuku shot up from bed to see an all too familiar dorm room, All Might posters, The desk, All Might blankets... and Kacchan.

Katsuki gripped his shoulders carefully pulling him into a hug. "What the hell nerd I've been trying to wake you up what in the hell kind of nightmare have you crying?" Kacchan was alive... "It-It was Just a n-nightmare?" Katsuki nodded. "Your a-alright?" Katsuki nodded and Izuku clung to him more tears escaping as he cried harder.

The End

The Epilogue will be out soon, it will be longer than the last for other couples in it! 😼

Early Update to give me time for 'Rivalry'

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Word Count: 1000

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