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"CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" solana told derek. "nah, ion fuck with devyn anymore." "boy shut the fuck up! she's one of your supporters just cause she's upset doesn't mean you should act like a dick towards her. give her some time you fucking asshole. don't talk about devyn like that or else i'm gonna beat yo ugly ass up."

"shut up storm." derek told her. "that's it." storm launched herself to derek and landed one, strong punch on his face. "yoooo!" mike held her back and derek walked over to the counter with vallyk. "aight, you guys needa get out of here." mike told them. "no we're staying."

"alright i'll apologize. i'm sorry for acting out." derek randomly said. this was surprising. solana believed storm would put on a mature face and apologize but it turns out that she was wrong.

"i don't forgive you. as a matter of fact, i'm outta here. i don't have time for your immature ass. apologize or not, but i'm sure devyn won't forgive you. you're apology won't mean shit to her."

storm took her purse and left. just like that. "i'm calling devyn over right now." "don't. they're both gonna do dumb shit. well, i'm not sure about devyn but i know derek is probably gonna leave or argue with us for bringing her here." vallyk spoke to solana. "yeah, but i want drama."

he chuckled. "solana, this is unessecary drama that is easily prvenatable and will leave us with no consequences whatsoever. just drop it."

"fineeee." "actually solana, i've been wanting to ask if you wanted to hangout again?"

"you tell me when. i'll be available because i got nothing to do." vallyk smiled at her response. "i'm gonna go get storm and calm her down."

"today at 8pm?" he asked. "sounds good." solana walked out and vallyk felt nervous but excited. "why are you so excited?" mike questioned him. "i get to hang out with solana later today." "wow, from not liking her to actually liking her."

"did vallyk really fall for one of his fans?" derek was confused. this wasn't like vallyk at all. "don't call her a fan. i really like her. she's funny and pretty."

"you should ask her out." mike advised. "i think i'm gonna make a move tonight." "good. tell me how it goes."
"she just posted on instagram right now."



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lol idk what to caption this 👍🏼

"thats weird. she has her comments disabled. whatever. i'm gonna go choose a good outfit for tonight. wish me luck."

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