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they both remembered what happened last night and solana realized it was 12pm. she had never woken up this late and her parents must've been worried sick. "i gotta go." she put on her clothes and ran out of there. "solana?" derek was surprised to see her run out of vallyk's room with no shoes.

solana came home to her parents having breakfast. "sorry for coming home late." "it's okay solana."

"i'm gonna go to my room now. see you guys later." solana's relationship with her parents was terrible and it wasn't entirely her fault. they were always so tough on her growing up and hardly showed her any love. solana never let this bring her down though.

an incoming call from devyn was heard from her phone and without any hesitation solana was quick to answer. "what's up, dev?" "you will not believe what happened." "what happened?" "i think i like kobe now."

"oh my god why? he isn't very, ya know." "girl, he is so fine i like him now." "uh okay girl also i kinda maybe had sex with vallyk."

"WHY ARE YOU SO CALM ABOUT THAT?!?? you're kidding though, right?" devyn said. "first, it was realllyyyyy good sex, second i'm not kidding at all i just came back from his place right now."

"you're so lucky come over right now i'm inviting storm. also, jalessa is here." "i'm coming asap."

jalessa hardly visitited them because she lived very far away from them but whenever she did come over, it was a very fun time. solana showered and felt excited but anxious. this wasn't something she'd ever think she'd talk about to her friends but she already confessed so there wasn't anyway she could back away from this situation.

devyn's room was freezing cold and all the girls were under blankets eating chips. "jalessa, i'm so happy you're here because i have some very important news."
"wait before anything happens, we have to catch jalessa up."

"okay so you know that storm and mike are like.. they might date or become a thing in the future and derek said he doesn't like me and apparently solana and storm went over to their house and storm and derek fought i guess. except, solana has some extremely important news to tell us."

"before you stupid hoes think i'm lying, i can simply ask vallyk to confirm this but i had sex with him yesterday." they all stared at her. "wait, for real?" jalessa questioned. "yes for real. why would i lie about this shit."

"okay well i don't know what to say. congrats, i guess?" storm shrugged and continued to devour chips. "i'm really sad that derek doesn't like me. i thought i was pretty."

"no offense," storm finished eating her chips before proceeding, "but it sounds like you're fishing for compliments, dev."

"fuck you, i'm really sad." devyn's personality switched quickly which surprised solana and jalesssa. "okay yeah i agree with storm." "fuck all of you. i'm going home." "devyn we didn't mean it like that!"

━━ cat's corner
alessya farrugia (aka solana) had a thing with mariano castano

━━  cat's corner alessya farrugia (aka solana) had a thing with mariano castano

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and he also had a thing with devyn afterwards while she was in the vault la house  (devyn isn't apart of it anymore) and when he first joined i think he was still w alessya i think they dated but he cheated (i'm not sure if it's true)

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and he also had a thing with devyn afterwards while she was in the vault la house (devyn isn't apart of it anymore) and when he first joined i think he was still w alessya i think they dated but he cheated (i'm not sure if it's true)

and he also had a thing with devyn afterwards while she was in the vault la house  (devyn isn't apart of it anymore) and when he first joined i think he was still w alessya i think they dated but he cheated (i'm not sure if it's true)

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and i really made these two mfs besties in this bookn e ways alessya is so pretty 🥰

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and i really made these two mfs besties in this book
n e ways alessya is so pretty 🥰

𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋. 𝘃𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆𝗸 𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗮 !Where stories live. Discover now