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Andrew: Neil get me candy on your way home

Neil: wow, not even a please?

Andrew: I'll take a snickers

Neil: of course you would, you're not you when you're hungry

Andrew: you wanna die?

Neil: perhaps

Andrew: shut up and get me candy

Neil: can I get a please?

Andrew: no?

Neil: >:(

Andrew: what is that

Neil: it's my angry face

Andrew: never mind get two snickers

Neil: what now

Andrew: you're gonna need it

Neil: what did you do

Andrew: nothing in particular

Neil: spill it Andrew

Andrew: I dropped the eggs

Neil: you WHAT

Andrew: oh and get eggs while you're at it


Andrew: do I LOOK like a want to?

Neil: What am I doing with my life

Andrew: please I just want a snickers

Neil: ...

Neil: fine. I'll clean up the eggs when I get home STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN

Andrew: thanks :)

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