Justice and Equality: Two Killer Ladies

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The wind blew the trees surrounding him into a frenzy, making them look like possessed dancers. The rain was unusually cold that night, and every drop was like a small blade that cut through his skin.

He hated himself at the time. How could he love someone that forced him to do this?

He didn't know how far he had been running; he didn't know how long it had been, but when the trees began to increase in number and the sight of the chopped down oaks greeted him, he had an idea that he had been running for at least two hours.

He was trapped now.

Whirling around, he hoped that she wasn't close behind, but fate had not been nice enough to grant him that.

"Marilyn," he whispered her name to himself, mostly in disbelief. His knees buckled under him and warm tears slid down the slopes of his cheeks, in contrast to the cold downpour of rain.

Even with her hair pulled back behind that cloak of hers, and even in the dark of the stormy night, there was no doubt it was her. A heavy looking mace dragged behind her athletic figure, mud sticking to the spikes that lined the medieval weapon.

"Lyn, Lyn, Lyn," he repeated the sweet nickname he had given her, hoping that his words were still coherent. "You don't h-have to do this. You don't need to."

Most of her facial features were hidden behind her cloak and he couldn't read into her expressions. But even from where he was, she wouldn't budge.

"Lyn, I'm begging you," he pleaded, straightening himself so that he was on his knees. "I-I don't wanna die yet. I don't...wanna leave."

It happened so quickly he hadn't known until a few seconds later. She had struck him with the mace!
It hit his ribs with a sickening crack and breathing became labored from him.

Marilyn gasped softly, but tightened her grip on her weapon. "I'm sorry."

Slowly, she raised the mace above her head and brought it down forcefully.

"Danny, I'm sorry!" Marilyn screamed.

She scanned the bedroom she was in quickly, then glanced to the bed next to hers.

Penelope glared at her with an intense annoyance.

"I can't believe you're still not over that," she nearly spat at Marilyn. As she pushed herself up into a sitting position, Penelope yawned.

Truthfully, Marilyn hadn't imagined her life to turn out so messed up in the span of two months. Here she was, living with one of the most notorious female serial killers in the country. All it took was being chosen by a celestial being that controlled both her and Penelope.

Unfortunately, it demanded the sacrifice of the thing or person they loved most.

"How do you do it, Pen?" Marilyn asked in a quiet voice. "Did you not love a lot of things? What did you lose to become what we are now?"

"My doctor said I had a mental disorder," Penelope said casually, like it was the most normal thing to say. "Something about apathy and a lack of emotion."

Marilyn envied her. Penelope could lose anything and not give a damn. That alone wasn't fair.

"Did you know I had a sister, Marilyn?" Penelope asked in a calm voice, causing Marilyn's blood to turn cold. "She was younger than me and we were orphans. She was also a very sick child."

Marilyn scooted forward to feign interest in her story. Good god, the woman was a psychopath. Who knew what would happen if Marilyn didn't listen?

"Gosh, that child was such a klutz. She'd always get bruises on her arms and knees and she was so scared of me!" Penelope was being sarcastic now and Marilyn's heart beat faster. "One night, after an awful fight we had, she just-"

The woman paused her own story to release crocodile tears.

"-my poor baby sister!" She sobbed.

But Penelope's face straightened to form a soft smile. "Truth to be told, I think that the doctors were wrong."

"W-What do you mean, Pen?" Marilyn asked.

"I'm thankful we both passed the horrid test and I'm thankful we don't need to kill someone we love, because I couldn't bear to lose you, Lyn."

Marilyn's heart skipped a beat in fear. Oh god, the woman was downright insane.

"Sleep tight, Marilyn. I'll keep watch so the police don't find us."

For another night, Marilyn barely slept, but unlike other times, it wasn't just Danny haunting her dreams.
Author's Note: This story will have a second part. Maybe not. 

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