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As you shift around in the spot you were sleeping in, you let out a few mumbles and grunts due to the uncomfortable position you were currently in. You felt a hand on your shoulder shaking you, which brings you out of your sleepy trance. Your automatic instinct was to reach out and grab their arm, slightly twisting it.
"Ouch." He simply says not moving an inch out of your grasp. Your eyes fly open and you sit up, immediately recognizing the voice. "Shit. Sorry. It's my fight or flight." You respond back, letting out a sigh of guilt.
"It's fine Y/n, nothing I can't handle." He replies back to you, giving you a slight smile. "But I know you have to go out at eight and it's six-thirty now." You lift yourself up from the bed, whilst grumbling a silent thank you and realized you were in the basement portion of the house.
You observe the place, taking in it's sight. "Nicky, maybe you should live somewhere that I don't know—has a window?" You suggest, strolling over to peer into the closet. The place itself looked like some type of home, but you weren't really sure what to consider it.
The walls were a matte gray almost black. There was enough light to cast a dim shadow throughout the entire place. On the walls, were an arrangement of posters and blue prints that had something to do with bombs. Two queen-sized beds was placed opposite from one another, and each had chests at the ends of the beds.
You would always crash at Nick's place whenever things got tough and unlike you, your anonymous friend loved to be in the shadows, the only thing left in his wake was an explosion more so the bombs he specifically made. "Mmhm, that's why this is built under a house." He says back to you in a mocking tone.
Nicky was someone who you always understood and vice versa. He wasn't like the other males you've met, but was someone entirely different—he couldn't ever be compared to the sleazy dirtbags you took care of on a daily basis. You remember the time he finally opened up to you and how you opened up too him.
After your parents died, you were utterly destroyed. You hated staying inside the house and the fact that you had to sell it even more. That would take a bit of time and all you wanted was to run away and never look back, at all the memories that always came rushing over you. It had been a few weeks since their deaths and you still weren't going to school.
It was another tough day of packing up your mom's belongings not trying to go anywhere close to where his stuff would be. Letting out a sigh, you twirl the emerald green rhinestone necklace that she had always wore, in between your fingers.
Walking absentmindedly, you found yourself at the pond that you and Nicky had started going too. Nicky was a male you had meet shortly after everything that happened—funny enough it was in a cemetery. He was there visiting his mom, while you were there burying yours.
As you sit down at the edge, you dangle your feet in the water taking in the smell of the muggy air that surrounded you. Letting out another sigh, the only thoughts on your mind was about what the last few weeks of your life had been consisted of. You then let your eyes shut, listening to the crickets in the background, while the deepest of thoughts consumed your brain.
It had felt like forever, almost like you were shifting realities until you heard footsteps and a semi masculine voice from behind you. "You know, keeping your guard down makes it easy for someone to sneak up on you." It was a ginger-headed, freckled Nicky who was giving you a sad smile. You pat the spot next to you and once he sat down beside you, you lay your head on the crook of his shoulder.
After a few moments of silence he clears his throat, "I created a bomb." He tells you flatly. You move your head away from him and stare at him in an confused expression. "What?" You ask him, knowing that he always had an interest in bombs, especially because of his dad, but you didn't think he was going to actually make one.
One thing that was common between you both, was that you guys shared having assholes of people who were supposed to be dads, yours turning on his own wife; Nicky's being a physically and mentally abusive fucker towards his own son after his wife died of cancer.
Ever since Nicky told you how his dad treated him, you decided to let him stay with you, taking care of him like an older sister would. Even though he was actually quite taller and older then you but it had always seemed like he was your younger brother.
"Yeah.." Nicky says, quietly at your response. "Well does it work?" You ask him, the sudden confession peeking your curiosity. "Well I think so—but I haven't used it or anything. The explosion would only be about the size of a small box." Nicky started to ramble on, trying to not scare you away.
"Nicky, calm down. Did you bring it?" You ask him. You weren't sure if it was because you were grieving and not thinking straight or if it was because you loved being a risk taker that you were so intrigued.
He slowly nods, before pulling a small box out of his blue stained jean jacket that seemed to be pretty worn out. The box was a size of a jewelry box and maybe you should have been scared that your friend was holding a dangerous weapon, but you didn't really think about it fully.
There was a small forest next to the pond you guys had always met at. You stand up, slipping your flats back on before Nicky follows your motion, standing up from the criss-cross position he was in.
You grabbed his empty hand before walking inside the deep muggy woods that smelled like Earth and how the air enveloped around you, like the feeling of wearing wet socks. Once you were deeper into the words and heard Nicky tell you to slow down and you stopped. In front of the both of you, sat a large oak tree—as well as a whole bunch of similar looking ones.
Nicky looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows—a way of asking if you were sure about this or not. You give him a nod of approval, before you see a smile tug at the ends of his mouth. He walks over to the tree placing the small burgundy brown box in front of it.
"So how far should we be?" You ask, as he remained still in front of the box.
"Well, for this one I'll put a timer on it for thirty-seconds so we have enough time to get behind something. But I think we'll be fine as long as we hide behind that tree." He lifts his arm up, pointing to a tree that wasn't that far away; enough to where you would still be able to witness all the fun.
You nod and you make your way over to the tree, curious to see if it would actually blow up or not. You give him a thumbs up as he makes his way over to you; as you both now stood a good feet away from the small trinket, waiting patiently for any type of eruption.
As a few seconds pass you both cover your ears, not knowing how loud the blast would be. The in an instant, the box breaks apart exploding into tiny little pieces. The sudden blow was enough to make both you and Nicky jump back a little. You take your hands away from your ears before looking up at a wide-eyed boy.
Letting out a chuckle he, looks sideways at you, not knowing what you were exactly laughing at. "That was so freaking cool" He exclaims, like a boy on christmas morning.
"Cmon, kid let's go get something to eat" you simply say hooking your arm around his. He lets out a grunt at his nickname all the while letting you drag him out of the small forest.
You smile to yourself, remembering all the times you shared with your little brother. As you stand in front of the open closet, you tippy toe to reach up into the farther part of the closet, taking down an off the shoulder velvet burgundy dress. It ended at your mid thigh, leaving room for you to move in but not enough to do your usual activities. You went upstairs to shower, change and do your hair if you wanted.
«——————»——————»——————»—————» Authors Note:
i hope you guys like this chapter ! things do seem to be heating up now hahaha ;)