23. Confrontation.

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Description of blood and violence.

"You know I should have killed you that night

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"You know I should have killed you that night." You say to the man who sat in the driver's seat beside you.

"If you did, my team would have immediately caught you." Aaron tells you, a small smirk on his face.

You knew he was right, killing an FBI agent would have made you all the more suspicious, but now you were most definitely screwed. You actually aligned yourself up with them in order to catch another criminal. Something you would have never done in your lifetime.

So there the both of you sat, side by side in the official FBI van, driving to the location you were going to meet Igor Petrov at. Your mind played on a constant loop of all the events that took place that had gotten you placed into your current position.


Checking the magazine to make sure it was fully loaded, you push the clip back inside, cocking the gun back. You were awaiting for Petrov as you leaned back against the wall of the warehouse.

You knew exactly what you had to do and even though your gut was screaming at you to 'get the fuck out of there' you remained still.

The empty warehouse was lit in its entirety by the few white lights that hung from above that was spreaded throughout the space.

You rest your gun at your backside, the long black trench coat that you were wearing, covered the outline of the gun. The BAU was worried about your safety, mostly because this plan depended on you, though you assured them that you were fine. After all, you've been fine by yourself for years now.

Bright headlights shined through the window, catching your eye. Two cars. You knew that's how Petrov would be. He was all about protection, which made your job all the more difficult but it wasn't like this was new to you.

As the small man who was dressed in all white walked in, four men stood beside him. Two on each side, all wore black. You figured there was more outside, since Igor was always heavily protected at all times.

"Ahh, look who it is boys." Petrov said, his raspy voice breaking the lasting silence.

You put on your best fake smile as you spoke, making it seem like it you were actually happy to see him. "Long time, no see Igor."


3 Years Ago

After your ex-fiancé died, you decided to look for work. A change of scenery, a different pace, anywhere that wasn't were you used to live. Nicky told you to leave the rest up to him, as he took care of the body and house.

𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨 {𝙖𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙣𝙚𝙧}✔️Where stories live. Discover now