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Dedicated to ShadowMidnight for being my awesome editor and for always putting up with my crap.



     "I present to you, Meena Castillo, the third and youngest daughter of Robert and Linda Castillo, our lovely hosts!"

     The guests took a moment away from studying all the lovely paintings hung around the room and all turned to face the large staircase. It was covered with a lovely deep burgundy coloured carpet. The carpet cascaded right down the stairs, ran all the way through the large foyer that was acting as a ballroom, and ended at the two humongous opened doors that were the entrance to the ball.

     The butler standing at the top of the grand staircase bowed slightly. A hand outstretched, he gestured to the huge wooden double doors on the second floor that were opening slowly. The polite clapping of the guests filled the room. But something went terribly wrong. Instead of the third and youngest daughter of the Castillo's, in its place was absolutely no one.

     A portion of the guests started whispering quietly, their eyes still fixed on the empty spot where the young girl was supposed to be.

     After a moment, the butler realized that no one was stepping out onto the stairs. He took a step forwards and glanced into the opened double doors. He sucked in a deep breath when he noticed there was no one there.

     The butler glanced at the empty spot where the young girl was supposed to be and panicked. Stepping back, he looked back at the crowd below him, all dressed in expensive dresses and tuxedos; all whispering and disputing.

     The butler cleared his throat and tugged at the bow-tie around his neck. He hoped and prayed that the girl was just running a bit late from her room, and would show up to the ball in just a second.

     "I present to you, Meena Castillo," he repeated, this time a tad bit louder, "the third and youngest daughter of Robert and Linda Castillo, our lovely hosts!"

     The crowd gradually quietened down again, every single pair of eyes in the room glued to the slot between the wooden doors on the second floor. The butler breathed in slowly. He could feel a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead.

     Everyone in the room held their breaths, when suddenly, a girl appeared through the large doors. It would have been wonderful, if the girl wasn't wearing a black-and-white housekeeping uniform. She was gasping and looked as if she had just ran over from the other end of the large mansion.

     The guests started whispering amongst themselves again.

     The girl in the housekeeping uniform ran over to the butler dressed in a tuxedo, and started to whisper in his ear rapidly. She was making large gestures with her hands wildly, and looked as if she was about to burst into tears. Slowly, the butler's face grew as frantic as hers.

     In the crowd, Robert and Linda Castillo held their breaths, staring at the commotion on top the stairs, ignoring the gossips and whispers of their guests all around. Robert sighed lowly, shaking his head slightly.

     Linda, on the other hand, immediately called for the waitress nearest to her and ordered everyone to search for her missing daughter. The dark-haired waitress bowed at Mrs. Castillo, before hurrying off to inform the rest of them.

     Robert removed his arm from around his wife's frame and began apologizing to the guests at the party. Linda did the same, although she couldn't help but notice the guests' disappointment. She couldn't hide hers, either. Of all days to cause a hype up, her rebellious daughter had to choose this one. This ball was very important to them, as many important figures were present. It could help make new partnerships and was the first night she was showing these amazing painting from her line of work to the guests. She and her husband even thought of introducing her to the owners and bosses of large corporates and businesses in hopes of finding one eager to conjoin their businesses. In simple words, a marriage between their children.

     The guests just smiled politely and chuckled as she urged them to try out some wine served by the waiters and waitresses. Robert was doing the same, striking up a conversation with one of their potential partners.

     As Linda was chatting up with some old friends, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to face the dark-haired waitress from before. The waitress was heaving heavily and her hair was disheveled. Her eyes were wide and she looked very worried.

     "She's gone, Madam."

Thanks for reading! Hoped you enjoyed it! Next chapter coming soon! Critism and feedback is welcomed and accepted! Waiting for the right time to unleash all my awesome twists and turn in the story. Wahaha! :)

Vote, comment, even fan if you feel like it! Won't fail to make me smile! Peace! :D

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