An unexpected turn and a ray of hope

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It's night at his place , he is feeling uneasy . The wait is killing him today cause today is the day he will tell her what he is feeling , suddenly his phone's screen bright up 

Melissa - Hola , thanks for the audio i heard it as soon as i woke up and it was the perfect way to start my morning 

he sigh looking at the message , he is really nervous but he reply her anyways 

Prashant - hola senorita , i am glad that my audio made u feel good 

Melissa - How was your day ? Did you eat mi amor ?

Prashant - yes bebe , i ate my dinner and my day was good 

Melissa - great 

they both just stop talking for a moment , Prashant wants to tell her finally but she starts talking again 

Melissa - oh Prashant yesterday i did some research on India and oh my god it's completely different than what i thought it would be , I  had this idea that India will be a dusty and a little poor country but it's not what the fuck

Prashant - Hahahaha don't worry sweetheart it's not your fault , it's international media's fault and what they show , it's not like my country is the best , it's still not developed and it's still behind the western countries but it's not as poor and bad as they show , they only chose to show the worst things from the deep inside of the country 

Melissa - oh yeah so true and i saw there is a businessman who gave free internet to whole india for free for 2 years , i mean what the hell ,they charge so much money here and he gave free internet to a country with 1.3 billion people and he also owns the world's most expensive house and it cost 1 billion US dollars 

Prashant - hahaha yeah , i see u did some research ha 

Melissa - Prashant i would really like to visit your beautiful country , i specially fell in loves with Himalayas  , i love mountains anyways but  Himalayas they are so magnificent and the places are gorgeous there and spiritual and amazing people , remember last time u sent me photos of Himalayas ? after that i could not stop myself from doing some research 

Prashant read this message and it makes his heart happy , he also absolutely love Himalayas and mountains in general

Prashant - oh yeah they are perfect , so tell me when u wanna come hahaha

Melissa - u think i am joking ? i am so serious Prashant , i want u to help me and tell me what places i can visit in 10 days , in December everything will be alright and we can fly again 

she is very serious and his heart skips a beat , oh don't give me false hope he thinks in his mind , this brings a ray of hope and he thinks can i see her in real life soon ? will i be able to feel her touch and embrace her presence ? things surely took an interesting turn 

Prashant - Yeah sure give me couple of days and i will tell u about the prices and all 

Melissa - thanks 

now Prashant is in a big trouble , should i tell Melissa about my feelings now ? what if things get bad and when she get to know about how i feel and she doesn't feel like that for me at all and the whole situation will become awkward and she will never visit after that , maybe i should keep quiet he thinks , let her come and let her travel with me , maybe then she will fall in love with me . well it's not confirm but still the chances are higher , well fall in love or not, atleast i will be able to meet her in real life and remember those moments forever

yes don't ruin this , don't ruin the chance of u meeting her ,it's super hard to meet , once in a lifetime thing or maybe u will never even meet her in your life alas  she does not live in a different city  but in a different country and a different continent , yes i won't tell her anything . Maybe after she will visit India  but not right now 

Melissa breaks the silence 

Melissa - oh oh keep in mind that visiting Himalayas and Taj mahal is a must , please please take me to the Taj mahal 

Prashant - haha yeah ofcourse it's near to my home , I'll take u there and then we will go to Himalayas 

Melissa - but i heard India is very dangerous , specially for women 

Prashant - Again not as dangerous as the media shows , millions of people come visit India every year and there are lots of women in those visitors , Infact there are many women who are travelling to India alone , specially in Himalayan region 

Melissa - well , u know it's still very hard to feel safe after watching bad stuff on news again and again 

Prashant - i know ,ok let me put it this way . When the world think about Mexico  they think about a very dry place with poor barrios but with giant houses of Drug lords between them and young boys carrying guns all the time , now tell me is the whole Mexico like that ? how many times u have seen someone get shot in front of u ? how many times u have met drug dealers ? how many times the violence because of Drugs affected your life in anyway ? 

Melissa - Hmmm i get your point , yes i have never met a drug lord or saw someone get shot in front of me and never ever my life was affected because of violence related to drugs , the whole Mexico is not like this ,only some places so if u avoid those places or shady places in normal cities during night then u are good to go 

Prashant - Exactly , same with India . Don't go to shitty and shady places and u are good to go . Plus u won't be alone , i will be with u all the time , do u think i will let anything happen ? haha

Melissa - Oh yeah hahahaha i will have  my strong man with me but still i will visit with my friend Adriana because we travel to places together 

Prashant - Oh that's perfect 

Melissa - Si mi amor ( yes my love ) , okay now i have to go and work 

he can hear the sadness in her voice that she have to go , he feel bad too . Why is it so hard to end the call with Melissa ? as soon as he know that they are about to end the call then his heart start missing her voice her laugh her everything already even though they are still on call and have few seconds left

Prashant - oh okay baby , u have a good day , hasta luego  ( see you later )

Melissa - yes u too , Adios ( bye )

they end the call , Prashant have a weird feeling of emptiness and he also feels like he did something wrong , but what is it ? he lay on his bed and continuously think about everything and why he feel like he did something wrong 

After half an hour his thoughts come together 

yes that's it , i know what i am doing wrong . I am not telling Melissa about my feelings is what i am doing wrong and not just to her but also to myself , i fell like this after many years and i owe this to myself to be truthful and tell my feelings but instead i was making those stupid plans that i will wait for her to come here and i will maybe do something and she will fall in love with me , what cheap tricks was i planning to play ? Doesn't matter how much i feel for her and how badly i want her , i will do it right way and not like this . She deserves to know about my feelings toward her before she come here , she have every right and then she will decide if she want to come here and not , if she feels awkward and things go bad then be it because that's what her true feelings would be and i will do it in a right way , yes i am going to message her right now , but will it be okay to message now ? she will be working right now , oh i don't care , i will just message her 

he picks up his phone to message her but as soon as he look at the screen , his heart skip a beat and he is in utter shock 

It's a message from Melissa 

Melissa - Hey Prashant if you are still awake then message me , we need to talk about something it's important

Why she texted him after she ended the call and started working ? what must be so important right now ? Well only God knows

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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