Chapter 17

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Lisa P.O.V

I sigh and get out of bed, Everytime i lay down my bed.
A lot of thought of joy came in mind.

Something wasn't right here, it's missing a puzzle..

Anyhow..I'll be fucking late for school!!
Dumbass talking to her thoughts instead of getting ready.

I groan, and immediately look for clothes to wear.
And took a quick bath.

I wore a nice simple baggy clothes, and head out.
I enter my car, as I was about to start the engine. I heard a notifications in my phone

 I heard a notifications in my phone

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I chuckled, and placed down my phone.
And drove off.

No one POV

I enter the school, empty hallways.
A sign that I'm in trouble ofcourse, I head over to my locker placing everything down.

I was so busy, that I didn't hear someone talking to me.
I heard someone clear their throat and I flinched a bit looking at them

"What took you so long?"
It was Jennie, crossing her arms. With a concerned..? Angry, I can't really tell.

I took a quick glance and continue to drop my stuff.
"Did I take too long..?"
I finished dropping my stuff, and closed my lockers while facing her.

She nodded, why tf is she so cute?. Look at those cheeks, she looks like an angry cat.

I was taken aback, my eyes slightly widen. And confused.
I was too focused staring at her I didn't hear a word from her!
"Huh, w-what are we talking about?"
I asked in confusion.

Jennie facepalmed, and I just stood there awkwardly.
"Good thing, I'm the principal's daughter.
Or you would've been yelled at"
I gulped, and just bowed to her. She chuckled and slightly hit my arm.

"Stop it, you didn't need to do that. "
I nodded, she took her hand out. And I look at her.
"So your just gonna stand there"
She pout slightly, I cleared my throat and grabbed her hand, and hold her hands.

This is a new habit now.

We walked to class, well I thought.
But we passed it.
"Uhm, Jen. We just passed the class?"

I glanced at her, and had a smile crept on her face.
"Don't mind that lili, I want to show you something"

A memory came out of my mind..

7 year old LISA

I was alone, again. Where is my friend?
I miss her.

We always play around, she's the only one not rude to me!.
I hate bullies, but my friend always help me.

I sat down the swing, holding a brown teddy bear.
Waiting for she coming?

I heard a laugh infront of me, oh no..

"Where's your friend dork!"
They push me down the swing, making me fall on my butt.
And accidentally dropping my teddy bear, one of the kids grabbed it.

"H-hey! Give it back!!"
I stood up, and they all tossed it around. Making it hard for me to get it, as I was trying to grab it.

Tears had already fallen down my cheeks, where is she..

"Who gave you this ugly teddy? Pfft, such a wast-"
They all stopped until they heard a voice, I was sniffing hard and turning to the person.

"Hey!! Get away from my lili!!"
My friend!! She's here!!
I thought, and smiled happily.

"You are lucky, you are friends with the principals daughter"
One of the boys huff and throws the teddy bear back at me.

And ran away, I sniff once again.
And she came closer.

"Lili..I'm here now! You are safe from bad guys!,"
She comes closer to me, and picked up the teddy bear and clean it.

"I'm sorry lili, I didn't come early.
I promise this time!"
She laughed and handed me the teddy bear

"Keep this's very special lili!"
She wipes my tears, and I smile in joy.

"Thank you nini!"
I hug her tightly, and felt her warmth.

End Of Flashback

"We're here..!"
We're at the roof?..I look at her confused once again.
She took a deep breathe while closing her eyes, I turn to the front.

"Don't worry about class Lisa..relax for now, no one goes up here too much...It's good to have a breathe of fresh air"
She took a deep breathe again and exhale, it was slightly windy.

We could see soeul town from here, and it was gorgeous..
I was mesmerized for a second

There were a few moment of silent, but Jennie broke it.
"So Lisa.."

I hummed in response.
"Do you like anyone so far..?"
I turn to her, as she looks at me with serious eyes.

"I mean..I-I sorta..? My feelings are confusing sometimes, I can't tell.."
I turn back, and sat on one of the benches.
"Do you like anyone so far?..."

She approached me, and sat beside me nodded her head.
There was a sudden ache on my chest, should I be feeling like this..?

I just nod my head slightly, I wonder who she likes...

God, why am I suddenly feeling sad..and jealous?, it's like I want to tear up.
Did my heart really chose her?.

Or is it just me.

"Oh he must be a lucky guy!"
I said trying to not make my voice crack, I suddenly felt shook at her response.
"Girl actually..I'm bisexual.."

I made an ":o" expression, so she likes a girl?. Could it be me?, no no Lisa. Haha, your thinking way too far here girl.

There's so may girls here, or maybe she has a friend that she likes isn't here..

"Anyways..enough of awkwardness, let's talk about our life?"
I sigh and groan.
"Oh nooo, life has been so difficult and complicated these days.."

"What about you..? Cause I don't seem to know a lot about you..after you know happened.."
I added..

She took a breathe.


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