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All four of them finally came to a quick stop as they were surrounded by trees, which made Ruby assume they were lost, "So where are we, and what is with this damn string"

Nayeon looked up from the map and just started walking with the others following, "We're a few miles away from Level 3, and the string is to keep you from getting lost because you like to wonder. We have no way to track you, and we already lost you once. We're not losing you again."

Ruby sighed, "Sorry I just want to see everything. This is a cool unusual experience. This will never happen again"

Jeongyeon put her arm around the girl, "That's fine, but you can do that without getting lost."

Ruby rolled her eyes, "Whatever, can we just take a break? Whoever is in Level 3 can wait a little bit longer, I'm tired."

They came to another stop, but this time relaxing. Even though they can use food to keep their energy up, they're still tired of walking and running. Resting is still a good idea because they need all the energy they can get for this game.

Jeongyeon got food from the bag and passed it to everyone, "Let's just rest, maybe get some sleep"

Ruby nodded, "So you think we're making good on time?"

Jihyo shrugged, "We can't see the time."

Ruby looked at the time, seeing if she can tap it, watching words appear in front of her, 'Share time with your team', and clicked the box hoping that worked.

Nayeon, Jihyo, and Jeongyeon looked up when they saw Ruby look over at them, Jihyo smiled a bit, "Yeah, we can see it"

Ruby celebrated a tiny bit to herself before laying down, Jihyo looked over, "Are you okay?"

Ruby nodded as she yawned, "I'm tired, can we just sleep?"

Nayeon looked up, "I thought we had enough time, but we don't."

Ruby sat up quickly, "Excuse me, what?! We have 5 days and 8 hours left! That's a lot of time if you ask me"

Nayeon ignored Ruby as she untied the ribbon from Jihyo and onto her pants, "Let's go"

Ruby laid back down, "I'm okay right here."

Nayeon smiled, then squatted down slightly, "Get on, we're so close to level 3."

Ruby got on Nayeon's back, and just let herself be carried as she just fell asleep. Jeongyeon laughed a bit, "There is no way she's in college, she looks a lot younger that that"

Jihyo nodded, "I say she looks 15, but that's just looks"

Nayeon nodded, "We can ask her when she wakes up, but for now let's hurry up and get to Level 3. We have 9 more levels after that."

They continued down, finding a path they needed to take, Nayeon relaxed a bit, "Level 3 is across the bridge let's go"

Jeongyeon stepped on the bridge and the rope snapped, Jihyo caught Jeongyeon and pulled her up before she could fall. Nayeon took a deep breath, "I forgot this was a stupid thing we need to complete"

Jihyo rolled her eyes, "Don't worry we all forgot, wake up Ruby. I don't remember how we did it, maybe she could figure it out"

Nayeon carefully woke up Ruby and set her down, Jeongyeon showed her the missing bridge, "Looking for a way to pass"

Ruby looked around, realizing it was the only place to cross, coming across a tall tree, staring at it like she was measuring it's distance. "I think I know how to cross."

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