(Rewrote and republished)
"Welcome all. A new type of virtual gaming is coming to you. A game that now You fully get to be apart of. My special guests are 9 famous friends who are known as Twice when together. It's time to celebrate this new time!"
The 9 girls walked out and sat on their chairs off to the side. They had actually friends for a long time before they became Twice.
Nayeon and Sana became an idol duo with a massive fanbase
Jeongyeon became one of the top chefs
Momo became one of the best dancers in the country
Mina and Jihyo decided to move in together and became two of the most well known gamers in Korea
Dahyun and Chaeyoung made their own company and became known producers with songs that chart #1 each time
Tzuyu became a famous model and a ambassador for one of the most popular company
After the long demonstrations, they stood onto their platforms that would teleport them into the actual game. The audience watched one by one as they actually disappeared from their eyes.
That is when it all went downhill, with Nayeon losing connection to the real world after an hour. Mina was next, but then as if at once, the rest of them disconnected. It went dark, which caused panic between everyone both in the game and in real life.
The designers of the game started to mess with everything they had to try and get a connection again.
3 hours later...Nothing but panic
6 hours later...Frustration and panic, but nothing
10 hours later...The whole game was shut down and Twice was officially considered lost and trapped in the game forever.
The building was evacuated, the designers went into hiding to avoid the people. That was it, the lab was off limits and no one was allowed inside or they would be arrested.
With a week passing, a young girl wanted to save Twice. Ruby, a genius with a sneaky background, snuck into the laboratory, adjusting the game until she believed it was just right.
Her plan was to go back the next day and enter the game. Find each person, beat the game, and escape. Then run from the cops because they would more than likely be contacted.
The next day, Ruby was walking home with her friend, "So, you that know game Twice got stuck in...well I went to go fix it and I'm gonna go in. I'll beat the game and save them. Get in, get out"
Her friend, Min, stopped in place, grabbing her hand, "I'm sorry what?!"
Ruby nodded, "I'm..you know...gonna go inside the game"
Min shook her head, "No. No. No NO. You are Not going to be doing that!"
Ruby rolled her eyes, "Look you can't stop me. You'll probably kill me for doing it, so do it after I get back."
Min sighed, "Or, hear me out...I can kill you now. You are my little freshmen child, I will not lose you. If anyone is gonna go in and save them, then those damn designers should. Not you"
Ruby held Min's hand, "You're a year older than me, calm down. Plus I can do it. Trust me"
Min sighed and they both continued walking. Min wanted to believe that Ruby was lying, but she knew deep down that was too good to be true. She was right, because that night, Ruby snuck into the lab.
She looked around one last time before turning on the game. It took about a minute, but when she realized what happened, she saw she was in a dark alley way.

Game Over
FanfictionA group of famous friends get chosen to test a new kind of video game. When they go missing inside the game, the game gets cancelled and the friends get stuck inside forever. A curious girl, Ruby, got a hold of the game and goes in to save them. Unp...