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Sana would stay back, but it was quicker for both of them to go in. Jihyo went to go save Nayeon, while Sana went to go get the stone.

Jihyo stopped at the doorway, hearing Nayeon yelling and cussing at the guards, who were getting annoyed with her. One guard just opened up the gate, "Leave...Now"

Nayeon ran, seeing Jihyo and grabbed the axe. She ran back, killing both of the guards, "Stupid. Son of a bitch. Kidnap me. Beat that you stupid guards!"

Jihyo carefully got the axe back, "Okay, let's chill out a bit. It's not that serious."

Nayeon calmed down for a second, "I know, I was just annoyed, so who's here?"

Jihyo looked back to see Sana with the stone, "Ruby is outside, both of them were at the Orange temple. Before you freak out, she's okay now. Just a bit traumatized, but she's healing."

They ran out, Ruby was laying back on the sand, seeing them walk out, "Hi! You're back!"

Nayeon gave Ruby a hug and looked at her closely, "How do you feel?"

Ruby relaxed a bit, "A little better, but can we move on. I want to get out of here or at least this Level"

Nayeon nodded and they got headed off to the Yellow Temple, seeing it come up, Jihyo looked over, "Ruby you stay out here, we'll be in and out"

Ruby took a deep breath, "I should help, it'll be faster for everyone to help."

Nayeon shook her head, "Jihyo, I can stay with her, this one is a quick in and out. You just need to go through the top."

Jihyo nodded, "Okay, that's fine."

Ruby waved her hands, "I can help. Hello?"

Sana looked at the building, "There should be two guards on each side of the cell, so we can both go in, facing opposite directions."

Ruby jumped up, "I. CAN. HELP!"

Nayeon rolled her eyes, "We can hear you Ruby, but you are not gonna help."

Ruby scoffed, "And why not? I may hate this place but I would rather help to make this go quicker."

Nayeon sighed, "You're injured, and it's best you stay out here. So Sana how do you feel?"

Sana nodded a bit, "Better for the most part, How about you Ruby?

Ruby looked at her cuts, "Like Shit, but good enough to fight, so can I help?"

Nayeon took a deep breath, "Ask again and you'll regret it."

Ruby stood up straight, "Can. I. Help?"

Nayeon quickly threw Ruby over her shoulder and let her hang upside down, Ruby hit Nayeon's back, "Let Me Go Nayeon!

Sana and Jihyo were laughing, Nayeon started swaying a bit, which was affecting Ruby, "I'm sorry, what was that Miss Ruby?"

Ruby started hitting her back a little harder, "Let..Me..Down!"

Nayeon laughed a little, "I would stop hitting me, I will hit you back. Just so you know"

Ruby realized what predicament she was in and accepted her fate, "I won't ask anymore."

Nayeon smiled knowing she won the battle, "Promise?"

Ruby sighed, "Yes, I promise. Can you put me down now? I'm starting to get a headache"

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