In the last cart, Momo was complaining, "Mina, why won't you let me drive. This is totally unfair"
Mina rolled her eyes, "There are many reasons and 6 hours is not long enough to go through it all"
Dahyun nodded, "I have to agree with Mina, sorry Momo"
Mina sighed, "Well for starters, outside of the game, you've been in 2 car crashes. One with a tree, and another with my was parked Momo. Oh and don't forget that it was totaled, like you hit my parked car and totaled it. Have that make sense, like you were not drunk or anything stupid, you were stupid."
Momo scoffed, "That doesn't prove anything"
Mina laughed sarcastically, "This is the easiest level. You tipped over the fucking cart! It's a flat ground!"
Momo pointed into the grass, "There was a pothole!"
Mina pushed Momo to the back, "There was no pothole, you were going fast and fucked up Hirai Momo. So No!"
Momo pouted in the back, "There was a hole..."
Dahyun sighed, "Give it up, you're not gonna drive."
Mina nodded, "Take a nap, eat a snack, do something because I'm not stopping"
Momo grabbed the food she had and started snacking on them, Dahyun looked at the other carts, "So, what should we talk about."
Momo thought about it, "Maybe about the plans for when we get out"
Mina hummed as if she was thinking, "Go home, eat food, sleep"
Momo nodded, "I like it, what about you Dahyun, what are your plans?"
Dahyun grabbed one of the snacks, "Something, I don't know. I didn't think about it. You Momo?"
Momo scooted towards the front, "Go to the company, see if they have anything to say. See if I can quit, terminate my contract."
Everyone was talking about their own things, laughing, enjoying the view, playing car games, just passing time as they drive.
Back to Jihyo's cart, Ruby was asleep on Tzuyu lap, so Tzuyu tied her shoelace to the seat, Sana laughed softly, "Leave the poor girl alone"
Tzuyu smiled, "I'm just making sure she won't fall off the seat while she's asleep."
Jihyo looked back, "We have about 5 more hours, get some sleep Tzu"
Tzuyu shook her head, "I don't want to fall"
Sana looked at how they were sitting, "You're more secured than she is, you should be fine."
Tzuyu nodded and eventually fell asleep. Tzuyu was holding onto Ruby's shoulder, making sure she doesn't fall while her head was against the door.
Sana looked back, the back real quick, "Jihyo, we forgot to give her the medicine it's been about 4 hours"
Jihyo stepped on the gas and caught up to Mina's cart, waving for them to roll down the window, which she did, "Mina, we forgot about the medicine."
Momo heard Jihyo and moved forward, "Tell her it's in the bag"
Mina nodded, "Momo said it's in the backpack"
Sana gave a thumbs up and Jihyo slowed down to get behind Mina's cart again, Sana went through the bag since Ruby isn't using it for her head, finding the medicine.

Game Over
FanfictionA group of famous friends get chosen to test a new kind of video game. When they go missing inside the game, the game gets cancelled and the friends get stuck inside forever. A curious girl, Ruby, got a hold of the game and goes in to save them. Unp...