Transfer · Pt 2

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"Hi.. I was just wondering if you're offer still stands..?"
"Ah yes. Are you considering coming?"
"When do I start?" I asked looking up at the 4 with a smirk. Somewhat understanding what was going on they looked back at me with an understanding, sad smile.
"When can you?"
"How about Monday?"
"Really?" Ushijima replied sounding somewhat happy.
"Yeah" I said not realizing I was blushing a bit til I saw Kiyoko and Yachi looking at me then at each other.
"Ok, we will see you then, Ill let the coach know."
"Ok, thank you"
Call ended.
"So does this mean youre transfering..?" Yamaguchi asked.
"Yeah.. please don't tell the rest of the team, and don't tell them i know.."
"We won't" they said.
After that we hung out for a bit before they eventually had to go home.
That night I couldn't sleep. I couldn't help but overthink about what the team said... Will the team at Shiratorizawa be the same? What if they don't like me either? Should I break up with Kageyama soon too? Why do they even hate me!?
I woke up in the morning not able to remember even falling asleep. Slowly I got up to get ready for school, taking my time.
When I got there practice had already started so I rushed to change and entered the gym, greeted by smiles that I now know are just a cover up. I greeted them all back forcing a smile on my face to not raise any suspicion and practice continued.

After practice was over I changed and was called over by Takeda.
"Hi Hinata, I got a call that you were transferring schools?"
"oh yeah, can we talk about that when everyone is gone..."
*After everyone left*
"So why are you transferring?"
"well... *after explaining*"
"I'll make sure to have a talk with them and let couch know as well." he said sounding dissapointed.
"Please don't, they don't know Im leaving yet and I wanna surprise them at nationals... can you please just tell them i had to do something next week and couldn't come to school..?" I asked desperately, not wanting the team to find out.
"*sigh* ok, Ill talk with coach.."
"Thank you!" I said walking away with a smile.
As I left I could hear Kageyama yelling, following behind me "BOKE HINATA BOKE" he yelled as I tried to ignore him. "Arent you gonna stay after to practice more??" he asked pulling my shirt.
"ohh not today, I cant, I have to get home to Natsu, shes uh not feeling well.." I said hoping he'd believe it.
"fine, whatever" he said walking away looking irritated.
As I watched him leave I couldn't help but tear up a bit. I wiped off the tears and ran back home to get my stuff ready.
I told Ushijima I could start Monday, but the school called and told me to go tommorow after my classes end to finish the transfer.

*The next day, 3rd person POV*
Hinata woke up and got ready, kind of excited for the day. He was going to practice when he was told by Takeda to go to the office.
"What's he doing??"
"maybe he got in trouble or something?"
"He better be back for practice."
The team continued as Hinata left.
Hinata went to the office and discussed his transfer with the vice principal. Eventually he was allowed to go to class.
On his way to class he ran into Tsukishima. "Oi dumbass, where were you during practice?"
"oh I had to do some make up work"
"Yeahh ok. Just be there after school."
"Ok!" once again forcing a smile on his face.
After all his classes were over he ran to meet Asahi, Yamaguchi, Kiyoko, and Yachi to say bye. He explained what he and Takeda talked about so they understood. They all said there goodbyes with some tears.
"I guess I'll see you guys next Friday then...?" Hinata said trying to hold back tears with a sad smile.
"yeah I guess so.." Asahi replied
After that he left to go see his new school.

When he arrived he was amazed. I mean sure he'd been there before, but now he's actually going to be attending school there!
He was so excited looking around he didn't realize he was just about to bump into someone.
When he did it was too late, he fell onto the floor and looked up to see a taller boy with black hair and familiar bangs.
"Goshiki!" the small orange head said jumping up.
"Hinata!? What are you doing here? You didn't sneak in again did you!?" Goshiki replied shocked to see Hinata there (yes ik that didn't happen til after nationals but we'll just pretend it happened before).
"Oh no! Im transferring here, I start Monday"
"Wait why are you transferring?"
"Uh I'd rather not talk about it.."
"Oh ok, does Ushijima know you're here?"
"No I told him Id be here Monday, he doesn't know im here atm though"
"Oh ok. But damn tbh I was looking forwards to beating you to nationals haha." Goshiki said looking down at Hinata smirking.
"As if you could!" Hinata replied smirking back.
Hinata asks if Goshiki could show him where the office is and he agreed. On the way there they see a tall red head walking their direction.
"Hey Tendou!" Goshiki called out.
Tendou turned around to the sound of his name and walked towards them. "Heyy, I thought you weren't supposed to come til Monday"
"Yeah but they asked me to come up today to talk about something" Hinata replied looking up at the much taller boy.
"Ahh, well Ushiwaka told me you were coming, though he didn't say why you changed your mind, so why arent you staying at Karasuno?" Tendou asked looking down with a questioning look.
"Um well I didn't tell him either.. I don't really wanna talk about it just yet.." Hinata replied looking down with sad eyes hoping they wouldn't notice.

endou looked at Goshiki. "He didn't wanna tell me either" he said.
Tendou noticed Hinata looking sad so he picked him up and said "Well it doesn't matter now right~ you're with us now!"
Blushing Hinata covered his face "y-yeah.."
in tendou's mind *cute*
As they walked away to the office Goshiki watched them leave in shock and confusion as to what just happened.

As they got to the office Hinata got a phone call. Tendou put him down so that he could answered it. As Hinata checked who it was Tendou was confused as to why the small tangerines mood suddenly changed back to sad as he looked down at who was calling.
1121 words
Hello! Im sorry if these arent that good or don't make sense, this is my first time writing one of these and Im trying to make it sound as good as I can. If anyone has any suggestions or anything pls lmk. Thank youu :)

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