Cheater · Pt 4

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Hinata(Ushijima on his phone):
Who is this??

You'll find out soon.
3rd POV~
Ushijima layed there looking at the texts trying to figure out who it could be. Just as he was about to get up to show Tendou, he felt Hinata shift closer to him, still asleep.
He had a small blush, and hesitated before carefully wrapping his arms around the sleeping boy, pulling him closer.
He decided to show Tendou in the morning. Then he had an idea, Tendou had said earlier he'd text the Karasuno manager and ask why he transferred so Ushijima went to find her contact in Hinatas phone. When he found it he went to the text and saw an attachment..
He watched it, slowly becoming more frustrated and angry until the video ended. He put down the phone and layed there with Hinata in his arms wondering what to do.
Maybe I'll talk to Tendou about it in the morning. Does Hinata know his boyfriend is cheating?? I thought they were all close... he thought.
He layed thinking until slowly drifting to sleep.

In the morning~3rd POV
Tendou was the first to wake up in the morning. He looked around confused, usually Ushijima is awake before him. He walked over to see him and Hinata asleep.
Ushijimas arm was around the boy and Hinata was slightly on top of him, his arm across Ushijima, sleeping peacefully.
Although Tendou was somewhat jealous he knew Hinata was sleeping on his bed the next night, and to be honest the sight was kind of cute, so he couldn't really complain. He began to carefully wake up Ushijima, trying not to wake the tangerine. After a few tries he finally woke. Ushijima looked up at Tendou then looked over at Hinata, turning shades of red when we realized how the were laying.
He slowly got up and stood next to Tendou. He remembered the text and grabbed Hinatas phone, pulling Tendou away so they don't wake up Hinata.
"Uh Wakatoshi-kun, thats Shoyos phone" Tendou said confused.
"He got a text last night late and since he was asleep I decided to check who it was." he explains showing Tendou the pictures sent by the unknown number.

Nani the f*ck!? So Sho's boyfriend is cheating on him" Tendou said angry.
"Yes it seems so.. but that's not all I found..." Ushijima told him remember the recording he found.
He found it and handed it to Tendou to listen to. Tendou listened carefully to make out who was saying what in the recording. He was shocked and angry at the team. This was their teammate,friend, and boyfriend. He did nothing wrong to them, he was like a mini sun who never failed to make anyone smile. So why!?
After listening Ushijima turned off the phone and returned it next to Hinata while Tendou stood there thinking. "Im mad but Hinata is ours now~ and we can get them back~" Tendou said looking at Ushijima with a smirk on his face. Ushijima nodded in agreement as he heard the small boy start to wake up.
*yawns* "Good morning" Hinata said stretching, giving the 2 older boys a smile. 'Adorable' they thought.
They watched nervously as Hinata picked up his phone. Before Hinata could check it Tendou blurted out, not wanting the boy to know just yet. "How about we go to the park?"
Ushijima sighed in relief. Its not that they didn't want him to know, it's just he seemed to wake up in a good mood, they didn't want him to be overthinking it and be upset about it all day. They'd just talk to him about it later.
"Yeah!" he replied jumping out of bed with a bright smile, tossing his phone to the side on the bed. He ran to get ready and the other two looked at each other before going to get ready as well.
Hinata changed in the restroom, as Ushijima and Tendou just changed in the room. Hinata was the first one done so he walked out into the room. He froze when he walked in and saw the others were still changing, both taller males still shirtless.
He stood there blushing til Ushijima noticed him. "Are you ready?" he asked, snapping Hinata out of his daze. "Y-yeah!" he replied with a smile, rubbing his nape and blushing awkwardly.
After they all were ready they left to the park. "So Hinata, how do you like staying with us so far" Tendou asked. "Its cool! and the school is so big and-" he continued rambling on for a few minuets as the two boys walked by his side listening. He continued until he heard his name called by a familiar voice.
"Hinata Boke!" the voice called.
The three turned around to see Kageyama walking by Oikawa. "o-oh hi Kageyama" Hinata said (remember he still doesn't know he cheated). "Hi Great King!" he said smiling at the two.
"Hey Chibi~chan" Oikawa said. Ushijima and Tendou glared at the two, acting innocent. "What are you doing here with them!?" Kageyama asked Hinata, glancing at Ushijima and Tendou, then back to Hinata. "oh, I uh met them here while walking around so decided to walk with them!" Hinata tried making up an excuse so he wouldn't find out about the transfer just yet. "And what are you two doing here together?" Tendou said as both he and Ushijima took a step closer looking down at Kageyama and Oikawa. "Oh well we just happened to run into each other too" Oikawa answered with a smile that the two taller males could tell was obviously fake.
"Oh ok!" Hinata smiled, not knowing about Kageyama and Oikawa, he was almost "oblivious" to the fact something was off. "You need to be at practice Monday boke." Kageyama told Hinata in a somewhat demanding tone. "oh well I'll be there if I can, I'm gonna busy with some family stuff"
"We should probably get going now." Ushijima said after a few seconds of silence. "Yeah we should, come on Sho~" Tendou said as he put his hand on Hinatas shoulder and smirked at Kageyama, making him irritated. "Oh alright! Bye Kageyama, bye Great King" Hinata said waving as he walked ahead. "Bye.." "Bye Chibi~chan"
"Stay away from my boyfriend" Kageyama said as Hinata walked away. "Sorry but we can't do that." Ushijima replied before walking away as well. "Awe~ he's worried about his boyfriend~" Tendou said "well.. one of them heh" he then added looking from Kageyama to Oikawa before walking to catch up with the other two.
"What tf is that supposed to mean!!?" Kageyama yelled looking pissed. After he got no reply Oikawa pulled him to continue walking.

W/ Kageyama and Oikawa~3rd POV
"Soo~ do you think Chibi~chan knows?" Oikawa asked grabbing Kageyamas hand. "No he's to dumb to figure it out. I don't know how the other two figured it out though" Kageyama said pulling his hand away, pretending to scratch his head
"Usually when I see Ushiwaka he tells me how I should've gone to shiratorizawa haha. He didn't this time so I was relieved but it was still weird." "Yeah.." "Oohh I think they may have a little thing for your Chibi~chan~ not that you actually care though, right ?" Oikawa asks. He wasn't completely sure if Kageyama himself even knew the answer to that. "... lets just go shittykawa" "Hey!!" Oikawa said pouting.

Back w/ H, T, & U~3rd POV
After they left Kageyama and Oikawa they left the park. They went to a nearby store to get meatbuns and some drinks before they decided to walk back to the dorms. They talked on the way there and got to know each other more. Sometimes they would tease Hinata. Eventually they got back to the dorms. Before they went into the dorm building Tendou noticed how Hinata seemed tired(surprisingly). "Hey Sho" he said and before Hinata could respond Tendou picked him up. "h-Huh!?" Hinata yelped as he wrapped his legs around Tendous waist scared to fall. He looked away to hide his blush as Tendou and Ushijima chuckled to see him embarrassed. They walked up to the dorms and he set Hinata down on his bed. "Sorry you looked tired heh" "I-its ok, Im gonna go take a shower now" Hinata said jumping up and walked past the two boys.
When he got in to the restroom he pulled out his phone, remembering he hasn't checked it all day.
He looked through all the notifications before he realized he'd been texted by an unknown number. 'huh, that's weird. I don't remember seeing this' he thought before opening the chat.
After a few minutes of staring at the pictures he turned off his phone. Not crying, and to his surprise he wasn't as sad as he thought he'd be.
'So that's how you wanna play Kageyama. Two can play at that game.'
1,500 words :)

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