Chapter Six - The Girls Meet The Twins

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The next morning, I woke to the sunlight pouring through the window above me. It was a nice feeling and it worked as an alarm, seeing as though I hadn't set an alarm.

I looked at the clock on the wall of the small dorm and saw that it read 7:34.

Plenty of time to get ready, read, then head to the Great Hall for breakfast.

And that's exactly what I did.

I put on my uniform, my new Hufflepuff robes that had been on top of my trunk that morning, grabbed my wand, and the fourth book of A Series Of Unfortunate Events, 'The Miserable Mill'. With book in hand, I made my way to the Hufflepuff common room.

I arrived in the common room at 7:50. There wasn't anyone else around, so I sat in the chair nearest to the girls dorms door.

As I read, I saw Hufflepuff students of all years come and go, some even staying in the common room to finish what I assumed to be homework that had been assigned over the summer.

As the clock inched closer and closer to 8:30, I headed back towards my dorm to put my book back before breakfast. I opened the door to find Hannah and Susan chatting while they got dressed, and to see Emmie, already dressed, and reading.

Tonks, unlike the rest of the girls, was still asleep.

"For the last time Tonks, get your tush out of bed!" Hannah said, while putting her robes on.

Susan sighed, they had clearly been trying to wake her up for some time now.

"Do you guys smell that?" Susan said, sniffing the air. The other girls sniffed too.

Tonks shot up out of bed, startling everyone in the room. "That's breakfast girls!" She quickly dashed around the room getting ready. Even though she was the last to wake up, she was the first one out of the door. "See you all later!"

With that, Tonks rushed off.

"Well at least we know what gets her out of bed in the morning." Susan said, walking towards the door with Hannah.

I walked over to the door as well, looking back towards Emmie. "You coming Emmie?"

Emmie held up her pointer finger. "One moment. Let me finish this paragraph!" Her eyes went over the page at an incredibly fast rate, reading much faster than she had been before.

She closed the book and set it on her bed. She stood up and walked towards the door, and the four girls' exited the room.

As we made our way to the Great Hall, we chatted amongst ourselves. Emmie and I talked about our books, while Hannah went on and on about the cute boys she had seen at the feast last night to Susan, who only shook her head and laughed.

"I'm telling you, that 3rd year who spoke to us last night was so cute!" Hannah said as they sat down.

"Who? Cedric?" I asked.

"Yeah! Not only is he cute, but he plays Quidditch!" She put her hand on her cheek, seemingly daydreaming. "Imagine being with a Quidditch player."

"Keep imagining." Susan said, clapping Hannah on the back.

"Susan, why do you have to be so mean?" Hannah whined, crossing her arms and pouting. She didn't seem to be legitimately bothered, it seemed as though the two girls' friendship worked this way. Susan, the level-headed, realistic friend who kept Hannah, the boy loving, day-dreamer, grounded.

"It's just like being with any type of athlete, right?" I said.

"You're kidding, right?" Tonks said. The girls hadn't even noticed her sitting next them. " Dating a Quidditch player is like the quickest way to become popular at Hogwarts. Heck, even being a Quidditch player is a quick way to become popular."

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