Chapter Twenty One - Ghouls, Goblins, and Trolls?

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Now when I say that I cried after my fight with George, I really mean I bawled. It seemed as though I were a never ending supply of tears. One after the other, endless amounts of tears.

If I could've stayed in my dorm and never left, I would've. But I don't think 'getting into a big fight with your friend' counts as a viable reason to skip class.

So unfortunately, I continued class for the week, heading to classes with my eyes and face all red and puffy. However, George continued to take alternate routes to class, so I rarely saw him.

I don't think any of my professor's noticed my change in attitude and overall mood, aside from Professor Sprout and McGonagall. Both professors had pulled me into their offices at some point and asked me if I was okay.

I'd explained what had happened, finally happy to talk about the situation and get it off my chest with someone other than my friends. Sprout gave me leeway on some assignments, which I didn't think I deserved but graciously accepted, and McGonagall asked me to keep her updated on how I was feeling. It was nice to see some of my professors being concerned about my well-being, as they should be for all of their students.

Although my professors weren't the only ones concerned. All of my dorm mates were concerned about me, Hermione as well. Heck, Hermione had begun to spend so much time in our common room and dorm, she was practically a Hufflepuff. Even Draco, who acted nonchalant and wouldn't admit that he cared, would drop by every day or so to check up on me.

Having constant support from my friends was encouraging and having them around had begun to take my mind off George. By the time Halloween had rolled around, which was only a few days after my fight with George, I felt better, both emotionally and mentally.

As we sat in the Great Hall for the All Hallows Eve feast, I realized that I hadn't cried in 18 hours, the longest I'd gone since the fight. To say I was proud of myself was an understatement. I was still hurt of course, but I hoped that I'd made it out of the crying stage of grieving.

"Ya know, Snape really needs to lay off on the assignments. I feel like I'm drowning in work!" Hannah said between bites of ham.

"Susan and I have offered to help you. All you gotta do is take advantage of that offer." Hermione said before taking another bite of her own food. Hermione had begun to form friendships with all of my dorm mates, although I don't think she realized how highly they all thought of her.

"I know the offer is meant for Hannah, but do you mind if I take you up on that offer Mione?" Tonks asked.

Hermione smiled, both at Tonks' question and the nickname she'd been given over the past few days. "Not at all! You can find me in the library after classes. Y/N studies there too, with Draco most times, so she can help too. If needed, of course." She took another bite of her food.

I nodded, taking another pumpkin muffin from the enormous pile in front of me. "Although, Hagrid's isn't a bad place to study either." Hermione nodded agreeingly. 

"Really?" Susan questioned, passing Emmie the small plate of bread rolls.

"Oh yeah! He serves tea sometimes and-" My voice trailed off. "And-" I tried to finish my thought, but I was distracted by the memory of the day George had made me tea.

The memory was cozy, like a wool jumper you'd wear in the winter. How close we'd been, his head on mine. How he'd grown embarrassed when Aerin had called me his 'sweet lady'. How cute he'd looked while he concentrated making tea that was meant to make me feel better. How he looked at me when-

The memory was no longer cozy. It was dismal and melancholy. I could feel tears start to spring from my eyes.

I need to get out of here. NOW.

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