Chapter Fifteen - The Strangest Of Friends

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The next few weeks passed by rather quickly. Soon enough we were well into October.

I sat in Potions, quietly taking notes as Professor Snape explained the effects and ingredients of the Girding Potion.

"L/N." Draco whispered from his nearby table.

I snuck a glance at him, but ultimately ignored him. I didn't mind Malfoy much at all, in fact, he'd been quite decent towards me ever since that day I'd stood up for him. I just didn't want another detention from Snape.

"L/N." He whispered again.

"Yes Malfoy?" I said out of the corner of my mouth.

He glanced at Snape to make sure he was fully focused on the lesson he was teaching before turning back to me. "You're pretty good at Potions, aren't you?"

I sat for a moment, curious. "I guess so, yeah. Why?"

Draco looked to the floor, embarrassed. "I just." He paused. "I just need a little help with some of the recent schoolwork." Another pause. "As well as studying for the upcoming test."

I stifled a laugh. "You? Snape's favorite little Syltherin? You need help with Potions?"

"Piss off." He sneered.

Snape continued with his lesson, boring and monotone as always.

After packing up, I turned to Draco. "If you really do need help, just let me know."

I turned to leave but stopped as Draco spoke. "Please."

I nodded. "Library. 15 minutes." With those very simple instructions, I left the dungeons and made my way, as quick as I could, to the Hufflepuff common room.

Upon entering my dorm, I only found Emmie, already changed and reading. I dashed about the room, undressing and redressing into much more comfortable clothes.

"Woah, impromptu meeting with George?" Emmie asked, noticing my frantic aura.

"No, studying in the library. I said 15 minutes, so I've gotta be there in 15 minutes." I said, stuffing my Potions books and notes under my arms.



"Malfoy? Since when does he need help with Potions?"

"I don't know, but he hasn't been a total arse lately. Besides, I don't have any plans at all today, and I need to study more for Potions anyway. Keeps me busy and productive. Two birds, one stone." I said, before leaving the dorms.

I rushed through the halls to the library, almost running into Neville as I did.

"Woah! Careful!" He said, holding Trevor close to his chest. He was a little startled by my sudden presence, but no anger appeared on his face.

"Sorry Neville!" I yelled as I dashed away.

I slipped into the library through the large oak doors, expecting to see Hermione or Draco. I found no one as I made my way to one of the smaller windows near the back of the library. It was one situated near the big windows of the library. It was a gloomy day, raining.

I began to lay out my books and notes, and shortly after I arrived, Draco did as well. I couldn't see him enter, but I could hear the door to the library open. He seemed nervous and lost when I finally saw him. He and I made eye contact, and he swiftly made his way over to the table I had secured.

He sat down, clearly uncomfortable. Small greetings such as 'hi' and 'hello' were the only words exchanged between the two of us. He began to take his own books out, some parchment for notes as well.

"So, you said you needed help with the upcoming test, right?" I questioned, breaking the awkward silence between the two of us.

No words came from him, just a small nod.

"That's the last chapter we just went through so" I looked over my notes. "That's potions starting with F." I looked back up to Draco. "Are you having trouble remembering the potions themselves, ingredients, characteristics, or effects?"

"All of the above." He said sheepishly.

"Oh." I looked back to my notes. "Luckily, a good chunk of the potions have the effects in the name. Let's get started then, shall we?"

I stayed in the library with Draco for hours, explaining the effects and ingredients of each potion Snape had taught us. I explained the ways you could tell the potions apart from one another and how you would know if it was brewed correctly or not. He wrote extensive notes on each, taking up multiple pieces of parchment. I was currently leaned against the cool glass of the window quizzing him on each of the potion's effects and characteristics.

"And what about a Fatiguing Infusion?" I asked.

"Fatiguing Infusion is a potion that, when either drank or inhaled, causes fatigue. It's a green potion that emits a green smoke. The smoke has the effects of the potion infused in it."

"Perfect! And what Felix Felicis?"

"Felix Felicis. That's Liquid Luck, correct?" I nodded. "Felix Felicis makes the drinker lucky for a period of time, during which everything they attempt will be successful. It's disastrous if brewed wrong and it''s" He paused and snuck a glance at his notes. "It's molten gold in color." He smiled triumphantly.

"Draco Malfoy, do not smile at me like you didn't just cheat." I said with a smile.

"I have no clue what you're talking about." We both burst out laughing, earning a stern shushing from the librarian.

"Just make sure you restudy that one." Draco nodded, our laughter dying down. I looked back at my Potions book. "And that's all the potions. All that's left now is to keep restudying. Other than that, I'd say you're pretty much ready to take on that Potions test."

"Thank you." Draco said as we began to pack up our things. "I really don't think I would've been able to actually sit down and study if it weren't for you."

"No problem. Anytime." I said. We began to make our way to the doors of the library.

"I've said it before but you really aren't so bad L/N." He said, opening the library doors for me.



"Y/N. You've called me by my name once before, but I think you've earned the right to call me by it all the time."

"But that's quite informal, don't you think?" He asked, confusion crossing his face.

"You don't have to be formal if we're friends silly."

"Friends? I don't understand what you mean."

"What? Do you not want to be my friend?"

"My father always told me I shouldn't ever be friends with anyone who wasn't a pureblood." Hurt began to show in my face. "But I've never tried before. And my father doesn't attend Hogwarts."

He smiled and I smiled back. "Friends it is then."

"Friends it is."

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