Chapter Eight - The Back To School Prank

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I got up to leave as detention ended, Draco close behind me. We left the classroom and I did my best to lose Draco, but I was unsuccessful.

"I can't believe you, you filthy little mudblood. Getting me in detention on the first day and making my house lose points? My father will hear about this." I wasn't sure what a mudblood was, but I knew it wasn't good.

"Me? I didn't do anything. You were the one who got us in trouble. Not to mention, my house lost points as well." I was walking as fast as I could to the Hufflepuff common room, but Draco kept up with me. "And tell your father. I'll tell mine if you do, you little snitch." I stopped only for a moment, and whipped around to face Draco. "And another thing! I was perfectly content in class, minding my own business, and then you had to butt your nose in it."

"You were staring at me and distracting me." I turned around and continued walking.

"Again, what's so wrong having a pretty girl stare at you?"

"Pretty?" Draco scoffed. "You?"

I huffed. I was done dealing with Draco; I was almost to the Hufflepuff common room anyhow. "Why are you following me? To antagonize me? Cause if that's all you're going to do, I'd think you should spend your time picking on someone else!"

Draco stopped dead in his tracks. I finally thought he was done, and from what it seemed like, he was. Without another word, he turned around and left, grumbling while he did so, but left none-the-less.

I had been too busy arguing to notice that Draco had basically walked with me all the way to the common room. Not to mention, he made me do it quickly and efficiently too.

It didn't matter how quickly he got me across the school, I was still upset with him for blaming me for getting us detention, when it had clearly been his fault.

I saw the twins waiting for me right outside the common room, just like they said they would be, despite my being thirty minutes late. They were leaning against the wall, chatting with each other. George noticed me first.

"There you are! We were starting to get worried." George said, heading towards me.

"Woah, what's with the death glare?" Fred questioned.

"I got points deducted from my house because Draco wouldn't stop bugging me in class." I felt as though I would cry, from both anger and sadness. I was mad at myself for getting points deducted, I should've left Draco alone. "I'm such a git. It's only the first day and look at what I've done." A few tears slipped down my cheeks; I was thankful no one else was around, especially Draco.

"Hey, don't say that." Fred said, pulling me into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. George did his best to hug me too, so I was now engulfed in the twins' arms.

"Don't cry, lots of kids get points deducted on the first day." George said. He chuckled a little. "Remember our first day, Fred?"

"How could I forget? Professor McGonagall deducted 50 points each." I wiped my eyes as best I could; the twins' had me in a pretty tight squeeze.

"What did you do?" I asked, sniffling.

The twins looked at each other over my head. "Well, after dinner the first night, instead of following the rest of the first years to the common room" George began.

"We snuck into the kitchen instead and put lactaids into the breakfast food." Fred finished.

I smiled in shock. "You didn't!"

"We did. Next morning, after everyone ate breakfast, we just waited for the chaos to start." George continued.

"The restrooms were busy for the entire day. We finally got in trouble when Professor McGonagall realized we weren't using the restrooms an ungodly amount of times like the rest of the students."

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