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Kristtps'nfries Yes hello 911? My boyfriend isn't paying enough attention to me

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Kristtps'nfries Yes hello 911? My boyfriend isn't paying enough attention to me....



@lil'fiat : don't mind me I'm just sitting at home while mama and papa are having a date.😭 issokay I'm not sad.
             @ChimChim : Fiat?
             @lil'fiat : what?
             @ChimChim : Ice cream and movies😁??
            @lil'fiat : there's a reason you're my favorite 😭
            @Triple_N : Chi told me to tell you we'll be there in twenty.

@Newwiepoom : kit out here fishing for attention😂
           @Attp_phun : *cough* attention hoe *cough*
           @Kristtps'nfries : I seem to remember one of you going "papii~~!! Papii~~~~!! Every time he wants something , which by the way is all the time. Am I right Phi @Jumpol_papii?
          @Jumpol_paii : sorry babii I'm with kit on this one😅
          @Attp_phun : PAPII~~! How dare you??!
         @Jumpol_papii : I still love you tho💚

@kristtps'nfries : still wanna try me 😈@Newwiepoom??
            @Newwiepoom : hahah ha no, I'm good😅

@Simbathelion : Babe?
             @kristtps'nfries : what😔?
             @Simbathelion : you are literally sitting on my lap rn.
             @Kristtp'nfries : And?
             @simbathelion : so you just got up just to take this photo then sit back down?
            @Kristtps'nfries : your point?
            @Simbathelion : 😂😹nothing. Baby, if you wanted my attention all you had to do was ask💛.
           @Kristtps'nfries : yuck, my boyfriend is so cheesy. But continue.
           @Simbathelion : Kit?
           @Kristtps'nfries : yeeesssss?
           @Simbathelion : we've been married for 7 years now.
           @Kristtps'nfries : Aow But I still like calling you my boyfriend. So, what are you?
           @Simbathelion : your boyfriend?
           @Kristtps'nfries : Exactly😌

@Tawan_Vik : Is it just me or have they never heard of DMs?
           @Newwiepoom : let them be, they won't listen anyway.


I want a relationship like Kit and Singto😭😭....


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