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he he he

Introducing : BrightWin

Bright: @Brighterforwin

Win : @WinnieThePooh

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Brighterforwin sunrises and coffee are never the same without you ☕️⛅️

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Brighterforwin sunrises and coffee are never the same without you ☕️⛅️



@Simbathelion : glad to see you're back Winnie💛

@Tawan_Vik : bunny we missed you🤩

@Jumpol_papii : Hey bunny, where have u been?? Are u too old to great your por, now?
@WinnieThePooh : Sawadee papii😂😂😂 no of course not! I missed u and the others so much!!

@Attp_phun : WINNIE!!! Omg when did u come back???!! We missed u🥰
@WinnieThePooh : hahaha I missed u too P'Gunnie !!😙😙😙 ha ha I just came back yesterday. How's everyone?!!

@Kristtps'nfries : Winnie the pooooooh!!! My baby🥺 I missed you!! 💛😭 How dare you not tell me you're coming back?!😡
@WinnieThePooh : he he sorry😅. I wanted to make it a surprise....so SURPRISE!! 🎉 I missed u guys too. How about dinner?
@Newwiepoom : Yess!! Let's get dinner! Are u free tmrw night?
@Attp_phun : course he's free! U already spent the first day with Bright Metawin, 😙 u have to give us tmrw
@Newwiepoom : then it's settled! Dinner tmrw at ur place Winnie😁
@WinnieThePooh : okay then🥳👌🏼

@Brighterforwin : the fact that none of u asked for my opinion🙂 it's my apartment too u know🙂
@Kristtps'nfries : shut up bright no one needs to ask you😝
@Newwiepoom : besides we all know that if Winnie agrees u can't say no *cough* whipped *cough*
@Brighterforwin : yes, but I want to spend some time with my boyfriend plz, I haven't seen him in 3 months so back off vultures
@WinnieThePooh : P'bai🥺🥺
@Brighterforwin : sigh😔😔 fine! Ughhh why r u so cute I can't resist you
@WinnieThePooh : awww🥺 I luv u too Phi😙


So at the end I was sucked into the vortex that told me that BrightWin needed to be in this book.
Anyways sorry for the delay, I had studies and stuff.
But enjoy!!


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