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he he he

Introducing: Mewgulf  (yaaaaaay finally!! I get to let my wanjaai side roam free,,I've been meaning to add them for so long but the chance just never came but they're finally here,,*squeals*😆)

Mew : @MSuppaseat☀️

Gulf : @GKanawhipped🌻


MSuppaseat☀️ You were spectacular out there tua eng💕 just remember I'll always be beside you, my sunflower 🌻 @GKanawhipped🌻

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MSuppaseat☀️ You were spectacular out there tua eng💕 just remember I'll always be beside you, my sunflower 🌻 @GKanawhipped🌻



@GKanawhipped🌻 : awww🥺😭😭 I luv u too teerak *kisses*
               @Attp_phun : do y'all see that?
               @GKanawhipped🌻 : I just know you'll say something to ruin the moment🙄
@Attp_phun : what😄 no of course not, I was just gonna say we should all look at how in love u 2 are😄😄
@GKanawhipped🌻 : I somehow don't believe you...🙂
@Newwiepoom : I don't either honestly
@Attp_phun : what? U too? Now that's just pure liesssss😗
@Kristtps'nfries : Gunnie😂😂 cut the crap we all know u love ruining moments here
@Attp_phun : excuse me😀????¿ was it not u who called me last week at 2am and interrupted my smexy time with papii???? Ruining my lovely night???
  @Kristtps'nfries : suddenly I can't read
  @Tawan_Vik : that's just karma for interrupting my date the other night pet😂😂😛
@Attp_phun : suddenly I can't read(2)
@MSuppaseat☀️ : 🙄there's no way you guys won't go crazy all over my timeline and mentions is there?? I just want to post in peace, is that too much to ask??
@Simbathelion : don't mind them Mew you already know how crazy they tend to get😂😹 especially when they're all in the same place
@GKanawhipped🌻 : P'Sing~~!! Aow, u said you'll come over last Saturday but u stood me up. I'm not talking to u ever again😡
@Simbathelion : Aow nong😅..Phi is very sorry. Phi was busy with a schedule and forgot to tell you. Forgive me na~😔
@Gkanawhipped🌻 : 🤨
@Simbathelion : I'll get u fried pork with basil?
@GKanawhipped🌻 :🥺I can never stay mad at u phi
@MSuppaseat☀️ : u and kit spoil him too much Sing😂😂
@Newwiepoom : Phi😹😹 u say that as if u don't spoil this big baby the most in the world
@Msuppaseat☀️ : I can't help it he's the cutest🥺
@Attp_phun : also Gulfie is like 185 cm tall how the hell does he look so tiny next to u🤔
@GKanawhipped🌻 : cuz I'm his baby 👶🏻🥰
             @MSuppaseat☀️ : yes u are tua eng🥺🥰
             @Newwiepoom : ewww get a room u 2
             @GKanawhipped🌻 : we've already got one😉
             @Newwiepoom : TMI🤢
             @GKanawhipped🌻 : 😝


Short but definitely cute. Also gulfiee is a big baby and he's the tiniest🥺. Everyone is just so loud lately and in the midst of exams it's not good for my heart💛

Anyways, excuse me while I go try and lure Gulfie with fried pork with basil😂😹😂😹


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