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Lo'Pho: "Do not say it like that you'll jinx us."

Ritchie: "But we should remember."

Michael: "Not necessarily. Getting a lacma forced in your body is traumatic, especially if it's a slayer type. Plus that person might have erased your memory of them."

Jakey: "Do.. do you want m-more cookies."

Brandon: "No thank you, you gave us enough."

Michael: "Oh, have you talked to your demons yet? If so do you have names?"

Ritchie: "Yea, mine is apparently Rijin and my brother's is Jupiter."

The door burst open as fire and a fox went pass, soon followed by a boy.


Kay: "NOOOOO!"

Ritchie and Brandon jumped up and got ready to fight. These strange markings covered their bodies. Jakey ran up to Bryan to calm him as Kay hid behind Lo'Pho. Michael took a step infront of the twins.

Michael: "Easy they mean no harm. Can you both take deep breaths?"

Ritchie and Brandon were struggling to calm down, so Michael used his god eyes to help. Slowly they went back to normal. The fox went infront of them and turned into a human. Ritchie and Brandon couldn't help but stare.

Kay: "Hi! I'm Kay and I'm a transformation mage! Who are you two?"

They stare at her for a minute before answering.

Brandon: "I'm Brandon and this is Ritchie."

Kay: "What are your magics?"

Ritchie: "Devil slayers?"

Bryan: "That's so interesting what type or element of slayer magic?"

Ritchie: "We were told I was lightning and my brother was sky."

Bryan: "Wow, Oh I haven't introduced myself. I'm Bryan a fire dragon slayer."

Bryan let out a fire dragon roar making the twins jump. Lo'Pho saw this and dragged Bryan away from the twins.

Lo'Pho: "Bryan if you can't calm down you'll need to leave."

Bryan: "Wha-fine."

Bryan stopped short at the glare Lo'Pho sent him.

Michael: "As lovely as this is, I believe it's time for us to leave."

They all said their goodbyes before Michael lefted with the twins. After an eventful day the twins passed out in each other's arms, finally in a space they strangely feel safe in. The twins wake in that dark room and saw their demons.

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