Dragon slayer

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The twins have been going back and forth with visiting the Protectors prison. They were trying to find more people to join their guild, but so far there were no takers. Currently the twins were sitting at their desk.

Ritchie: "Ugh, why is it so hard to find someone? You would think more people would take this offer."

Brandon: "Don't forget we also turned away alot of people because they didn't  qualify. Come one it's time for us to go check the prison."

Ritchie: "I'm coming...DAVID! Stay out of trouble while we're gone!"

David: "OKAY! No promises though!"

Brandon: "Dav-nevermind it's not worth it."

With that Ritchie and Brandon headed to the Protectors prison.


Lo'Pho was waiting outside when Ritchie and Brandon arrived.

Lo'Pho: "Welcome back. We have some new prisoners that might peek your interest."

Lo'Pho showed them to the new prisoners, they all seemed uninterested and unwilling to change. However one caught their eyes.

Ritchie: "Lo'Pho who is he and why is he here?"

Lo'Pho: "Him? He's from a dark guild, don't know much except he stole and hurt people. I believe his name was Mario."

Brandon: "May we talk to him?"

Lo'Pho: "Sure, but you're probably wasting your time."

Lo'Pho lead them to a room before bring a chained up Mario into the room, he left after getting him in a chair. Mario seemed uninterested in the twins, but had an angry face at Lo'Pho.

Ritchie: "Hello I'm Ritchie and this is my brother Brandon. We would like to extend an offer to you."

Mario: "And why should I listen to the likes of you?"

Brandon: "Because we are offering you a chance to redeem your sins."

Mario: "Oh, so what?"

Ritchie: "You can act all big and mean, but I can see it in your eyes that you regret what you did."

Mario: "Yea right."

Mario's voice wavered a little. Brandon and Ritchie got up ready to leave.

Ritchie: "We have a guild that reforms criminals. Think about our offer."

Brandon: "We will keep visiting you so we can build trust, take your time to decide."

With that they left the room and went home.


David welcomed Ritchie and Brandon home.

David: "So how was it? Find any winners?""

Brandon: "We have a person in mind."

David did a double take.

David: "Really? What magic do they use?"

Ritchie: "We don't know. We don't find out until they agree so we aren't bias and so they can trust that we aren't picking them off of magic."

Brandon: "We can say it's a male and that's all you're getting. Now you go on a quest as I talk with my brother."

Ritchie and Brandon left to their office and started on paperwork as they chatted.


Just as they said evey week the twins visit Mario. They never tried to force information out of him and they never really asked personal questions.

Mario: "Why are you choosing me, is it because of my magic?""

Ritchie: "No, we actually don't know your magic."

Mario: "What?"

Mario looked super confused at this.

Brandon: "We leave it up to the people we are trying to recruit to tell us."

Mario: "Why? That's a dumb idea."

Ritchie: "Not really, it shows we want the person themselves and not what they can do. We can always cross the magic bridge later."

Mario faced palmed.

Mario: "I'm a cavern dragon slayer and I... I would like to join your guild."

Ritchie: "Great to hear!"

Ritchie unlocked and unchained Mario from the table. Brandon went finish the paperwork to release Mario into their custody. Mario was a little confused with how lax they seemed to be around him, but he know better then to believe they were incapable to take him down. Soon they were on their way home.

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