The Ground and the Sky

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I wipser in Ellie's ear,
"It feels like flying." And in one push... she flies.
She floats down, her jacket flying around as it's tied to her waist, her shirt that's clearly twice her size glides around the air, her hair drifts around the air like a leaf.

She hits the ground with a small pat sound after floating around for about 15 minutes. Red stains the rock she lands on and the ocean sends a tide over her body and absorbs her into the oceanic abyss.

It seems wrong, but it's relaxing.

I hate women. Ooh! I'm sexist! Woah! So? I just hate them, I want to see the human race of women die. I've been doing THIS for years on end.

I will leave some women for the enjoyment of OTHER men, and of course for the reproduction of the human race. But women have no other use in this world, men can parent on their own.

Look at what my dad's made, I'm great! The phsicotic attributes came from a traumatic experience when my mother left me in a burning building.

After I came out of the rubble, she took me to the cliff overlooking the sea and pushed me off the edge and told me, "It Feels Like Falling."

I, being a smart child(shut up, I know I'm narcissistic) strategically fell into the large pile of sand near the water. I only broke my legs, and had to go to the hospital because I fell onto a fucking stick- but I'm fine now.

I just... fucking hate women.

Now I go into highschools and colleges, yknow, schools and shit.

I go for the bitches of the schools and then just dissapear as if I died too. I take different names so I don't get recognized, I change my look, my personality, I'm a different person every time. Sometimes I don't change because I hide the body well or

See, I'm the ground, because I'm the one standing on the cliff, and they're the sky, because they're the ones falling.

That is messed up as shit, wow.

As she becomes part of the water and less of the sky, I retreat back into my ground. And I go back to my car, put the key in the ignition, turn it, and the car starts.

I drive away, looking through my notes for a new way to get into the school... maybe I'll just look like me this time.

It Feels Like FlyingWhere stories live. Discover now