Homicidal Liu X OC Oneshot

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For: Katia (LaughingJack_03)

Author’s Notes:

This is part of an art exchange a couple of my friends are doing. I asked if I could join in since it was around Christmas and I wanted to do something fun and give them some sort of present. Enjoy Katia!

I do not own any CreepyPasta characters used in this story, nor do I own the video or picture. These all belong to their original owners/creators.


“Let me go! Let me go! Somebody! Help!”

“Jeff! I’m home!”

I chuckled at the sounds of screaming coming from downstairs. I walked down to meet my brother, surprised to see his face all stitched up. He was pulling along a black haired girl who was struggling against him hold on her arm.

“What the h3ll kinda thanks is this?! You freaking kidnapped me!” She was screaming her head off and I couldn’t help but laugh at her futile attempt.

“Who’s this Liu?”

“Her name’s Katia. She stitched up my face!” He smiled up at me as I stoop at the stairs. “She’s my new friend.”

“Friends don’t kidnap each other!”

“So I CAN’T kill her?” I asked, wishing I could frown. I didn’t really care; I’d already satisfied myself with some nearby campers earlier today.

Liu started to glare at me, growling as his grip tightened on the girl and caused her to wince.

‘Uh-oh, Sully’s awake.’

“Don’t you dare try and kill her you wide eyed creep!” Liu, well Sully, screamed at me.

I put my hands up and walked back up into my room, dodging the flying lamps and vases that Sully threw at me.

‘That didn’t last long.’

For another month, Katia tried to escape the mansion, the residents, including myself, stopping her every time and bringing her back to Liu who would lock her in his room to keep her from leaving. Eventually, her attempts became less frequent and she began to start smiling more, getting along with all of us fairly well.


I’ve been here for about three months. My mom and dad must be worried sick. I know I should be more upset, maybe trying to escape more. But, honestly, I don’t mind anymore. It might sound crazy, but I actually liked it here.

“Katia! I’m back!”

I smiled as I heard Liu close the door to the mansion and turned in time to see him as he engulfed me in a hug. He smelled like fresh blood and leaves.

“Welcome home,” I held him close before releasing him and going back to my drawing as Smile Dog sat across from me, the focus of the piece.

Yes, I had fallen for my split personality, insane captor. He has always treated me with care, never letting Sully hurt me. Sure, he kidnapped me, and he’s a killer, but he’s my kidnapping killer. And I love him no matter what.


Alright, I know I said the Makoto one was next, but I haven’t gotten all of the information for it and this was supposed to be a Christmas gift for my friend. Besides, this is my series so BLEH! Anyways, I don’t know what’s going to be next, but… well, that’s it. Kat, hope you liked it, and I’ll TRY and get the next shot out later.

»Next time! …I dunno«

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