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Three young boys were walking in the woods one day. They were talking about superheroes and Star Wars and horror flicks and what little they knew of the opposite sex the way they always did whenever they got together.Then suddenly one of the boys spots something strange off in the distance.

"Hey, what's that?" he said to his two friends.

The other two boys gaze off in the direction where their companion was pointing. There they saw a tall lanky figure walking in the woods not far from where they were. They all three thought this was strange seeing someone else other than themselves walking in the woods, which was something they'd never seen before.

The figure looked at least six feet tall from where they were standing. He had on a grey hoodie and faded blue jeans.At first the three boys just stood still keeping their eyes on the strange figure. Then suddenly one of the boys took a step forward and stepped on a twig. The loud snap caused the figure to stop walking. All three boys gasped in unison as the figure turned his head and gazed over at them.

He was wearing a creepy clown mask.

The boys were too scared to move. Neither one of them were fans of clowns, especially after they watched that Stephen King movie IT about the creep murderous clown they weren't supposed to watch and got into trouble for watching. And their fears definitely weren't squelched by the sight of this creepy clown who was standing before them.

The creepy clown slowly turned to face the boys. There they saw he was holding an ax in his right hand. They also saw there was blood dripping off the blade. They weren't sure if it was animal blood . . . or human.

"RUN!!!!" one of the boys yelled.

The three boys scattered as the clown chased after them. Two of the boys fled in one direction while the other boy ran off in the other direction. The single boy glanced behind him while he was running to see the clown had zeroed in on him much to his horror. He kept running through the woods as fast as his legs would take him. The branches from the trees kept hitting him in his face as if they were trying to slow him down and help the clown catch up to him.

He glanced back behind him again to see if the clown was still chasing him. He was. The boy then tripped on a log that was in his way and didn't see and fell down face-first on the ground. As he was spitting out dirt, he rolled over on his back to see the clown hovering above him swinging his ax back and forth. The boy tried to scoot away from him but the clown stepped in the middle of his chest preventing him from doing so. As the clown stood over him with his foot on his chest, he could hear him breathing through his mask. He sounded like Darth Vader from Star Wars, which made him sound all the more menacing.

The clown raised his ax, and the boy thought he was done for. He covered his face with his hands and waited for the worst to happen. Then all of a sudden he heard several objects hitting the ground all around him.He removed his hand from his face to see his two friends pelting the clown with rocks making him stop much to his relief.

"Leave him alone, you damn clown!" one of the boys yelled as he and the other boy kept throwing rocks at him.

The clown glared at the two other boys who were hitting him with rocks. He turned to face them and stepped off the other boy. With the clown distracted, the boy on the ground was able to stand up. He grabbed the log he had tripped on and lifted it up.

"HEY!!!!" the boy yelled while holding on to the log.

The clown turned to look at him again. With all the courage and strength he could muster, the boy swung the log at the clown and managed to strike him on the side of his creepy mask. Much to his surprise, the clown toppled over onto the ground where he landed on his back. The three boys slowly stepped up to the clown as he was lying motionless on the ground.

"Is he . . . dead?" one of the boys asked.

"I dunno," one of the other boys answered.

The boys stood and stared down at the clown for a little while longer. There was a small pool of blood forming on the side of his mask where the one boy had struck him with the log. The clown didn't move making the boys believe they were out of the woods, as it were, but then suddenly the clown opened his eyes and glared up at the three boys causing them to gasp in unison again.

"Let's get the hell outta here!" one of the boys yelled.

All three boys turned and ran off at the same time to get as far away from that creepy clown as they could get. They didn't stop running until they were completely out of the woods. They were all relieved when they saw the clown had not followed them. The three boys vowed right then and there never to tell another living soul about the clown in the woods.

And none of the boys went back in those woods ever again.

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