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Cheryl and Betty got to class but of course jughead is in this class. But Betty can't help but notice jughead staring at her throughout the class and Veronica and Archie staring at each other, she doesn't care about Archie and Veronica but she was wondering why jughead was staring at her and not his own girlfriend. I think Cheryl noticed it too because she started looking at her weird and after 4th period Cheryl asked "Hey did you see jughead was staring at you earlier?" " yeah it was weird" Betty said "Yeah... Oh. My. God" Cheryl stared at the music room and saw Veronica and Archie making out Archie shirtless and Veronicas top off but bra still on. "What?" Betty asked then saw where Cheryl was staring then turned around and saw it she quickly took a picture, ran and tried to find jug.

She finally found him at his bike about to leave, she yelled "JUG!" He turned to her and said "what do you want Cooper?" Betty told him what she and Cheryl saw but he said "You're just trying to get with me she would never do that!" Betty then showed him the photo "what why.." he said in disbelief. He quickly went inside to the music room to see them about to have sex. "WHAT THE FUCK VERONICA!" Jughead yelled at her "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME?!" He said in sadness and anger. "I uh do it's just it's not what it looks like jug" Veronica said back quietly "SO YOU'RE NOT FUCKING MY BEST FRIEND!?" She stayed silent "WOW JUST WOW... WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THIS?! WE'RE DONE!" He yelled and left Veronica came running after him but he was already on his bike on his way home. When he got there he went to the bathroom and cried and cried and kept repeating "why would she do this, with my best friend." Over and over again until his dad got home and heard him crying he came in to see jughead a full mess with red puffy eyes that are bloodshot he just hugged jug.

Betty returned to Cheryl and told her what happened so Cheryl suggested we go and check on him. When they got there they knocked on the door and jughead answered Betty saw how red his eyes were and they were very puffy "what do you want" Jughead asked his voice breaking "we just wanted to check on you" Betty said starting to tear up feeling bad for the boy. "Well I'm fine you can go now" Jughead said while raising his voice a little and closing the door. Betty stoped it with her foot and said "we know you're not fine you can talk to me and Cheryl." Jughead showed a little smile that made Betty smile and he said "thank you guys" and closed the door. The girls then went back to betty's house and talked a little a did the homework then had dinner.

What Betty didn't know is she would have the best day of he life tomorrow

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