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Betty woke up to the most annoying sound her Alarm. She woke up with a groan and got ready the put light makeup on but before she could go down stairs jug texted asking if she wanted to be picked up and brought to school she of course said yes. He picked her up at her house, she gave him a quick kiss and went to school. When they got there everyone was staring "why is everyone staring?" Betty asked "Um maybe because I never take anyone to school on my bike including Veronica, and also probably the biggest nerd and the most popular kid are holding hands." Jughead stated. "Ohhh yeah, I'm dumb!" Betty says the first part to him but the second to herself, but of course he heard and said "Your not dumb, you just didn't know." Betty sighed and said "you know your smarter than you look" he laughed and said "I can't tell if that's an insult or a compliment." She laughed "it's both" she said before they went into school. Now even more people are looking at them Veronica looked jealous, Cheryl came over and said "I take it, it went good?" Jughead and Betty laughed "yes it went well I have a boyfriend now." Betty said smirking "OoOooo" Cheryl said laughing "shut up" betty said to her "fine I'm going to class" Cheryl said and walked away

Betty and jug walked to class because they both have chemistry together (a/n do you see what I did there😏) "okay today we need to have partners" the teacher said to the class "I call Betty" Jughead said as he walked over to her "I got jug" Betty said "I get Archie" Veronica yelled "I got Ronnie" Archie yelled and walked over to her "Cheryl you're with me!" Toni yelled from across the room (ps toni transferred schools because Cheryl kept getting into fights) "I got Toni" Cheryl yelled back. After everyone was paired the teacher started the lesson. After they got directions and put on there safety stuff Betty told jug "don't blow this up, Jones" they both laughed "I won't cooper"  Jughead said and laughed after they did it it was Archie and Veronicas turn, their thing blew up because they are probably the most stupidest people in the class. "Miss Lodge! Mr. Andrews! Clean that up now" then chemistry teacher said, they of course did, after they were done it was Cheryls and Tonis turn and they did it perfectly.

Once class was over they went to there next class which was Bettys and Jugs free period... they both went to the blue and gold and made out there for a little.. then heard the bell ring signaling that they have to get to there next class, jug had PE and Betty had English, they walked together till they had to separate, they kissed then separated, everyone gasped around them and Veronica stormed into the bathroom mad Betty saw and just smirked then walked to her class.

After hours of doing boring schoolwork it was finally over, Cheryl said bye to Betty and then the two couples (choni and bughead) drove off on there bikes.

Once Betty got home her mother was there she groaned and kissed Jug goodbye gave him his helmet and ran up to the door gave jug one last wave then went inside to her mother yelling at her "ELIZABETH COOPER DID I JUST SEE YOU KISS THA- THAT DELINQUENT?" she rolled her eyes and responded with "that" she then put up two fingers signaling quotations "delinquent so happens to be my boyfriend" she then smirked and ran up the stairs without giving time for her mom to say something.


Sorry this took me to long to update I've been working on my other stories and THANK YOU FOR 260 READS

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