The best day of my life

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The next day of school jughead eyes were still kinda puffy but they weren't as red, they went to first period and jughead couldn't even concentrate all he was thinking about is why would Veronica do this he thought she loved him. He then got an idea, since Betty is his crush he's going to ask her out he thought this is my chance.

After first period he caught up with Betty and pulled her in a empty classroom "what the hell" she said but before anything else could happen he kissed her. She was surprised at first but eventually melted into the kiss. Eventually he pulled away then she asked "what was that for" "um do-do you wanna go out with me tonight?" She didn't say anything at first so he started walking away before she grabbed his arm and pulled him into another kiss then said "does that answer your question?" Then him being him he said "no I think we need to try again" so then he pulled her into another kiss.

Time skip (because I'm lazy)

After school Betty told Cheryl and they said she helping her get ready. "Omg B this looks great on you!" Cheryl sad I'm to Betty as they were trying on clothes "You really think so Cheryl?" Betty says as a question "yes B you look gorgeous!" Cheryl said back. Betty was wearing a pink tight crop top and ripped jeans with her hair down.

After they were done with her makeup jug texted her and said that he's here "Cheryl he's here" Betty said "go B go" Cheryl said back. Betty went outside and saw he had his motorcycle, she was excited because she never rode one before but always wanted to, but her parents never let her. He came off the bike to give her a kiss, she then got on the bike and the rode to pops. When they got there they went into a booth and pop came over and said "what do you kids want to eat?" With his famous smile that always makes other people smile"uh can I have two burgers, fries and a chocolate milkshake pop?" Jughead said "and you?" Pop asked Betty "I'll take one cheeseburger with fries and a vanilla milkshake" Betty said "of course" pop said then left to go make the food  "I have a question" Betty said "What?" Jughead asked worried "why did you ask me out?" Betty asked "because when someone likes some they normally ask them out" jug said like it was obvious "wow way to be a smart ass. But I like you too. But why did you bully me if you like me?" Betty said  "um I guess I thought I had to bully you to get over you." Jughead said quietly. After that Betty kissed him then their food came, that night there was a lot of talking stealing kisses and eating.

When jughead dropped her off he said "I had fun tonight" she said "me too" the they kissed she gave him back his helmet and jughead then asked "Betty cooper will you be my girlfriend?" She then kissed him and said "yes, yes, a thousand times yes" then they kissed again they said goodnight and went to bed with the biggest smile on their faces!

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