The rescue

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Washington DC, USA
Navy Yard, Sloane's office
4:36 Pm

Kate sits on Jack's sofa with Tali on her lap, Jack beside her. Gibbs and Nick are sitting on the chairs opposite the sofa. Tali is sucking on a lollipop and the others are chatting as Abby bursts in. Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs! I think Ziva and Tony have been kidnapped! I have been unable to reach them since this morning," she excitedly exclaims. "Abbs..." Gibbs, they probably took Tali, too. "Abby, calm down," Nick tries, and Gibbs continues: "Tali is no longer kidnapped. She is here. On the sofa." Abby calms down a bit and sees Kate with Tali on her lap. “Kate! Oh, my God! Oh, my god. Oh, my god." Abby goes to Kate, who hands Tali over to Jack, and hugs her. "Abbs, you knew Kate was alive?" Gibbs asks. Yeah. Abby also hugs Tali, who cries a little. Then she answers: "After I left NCIS, I went to Paris to visit Tony and Tali. Of course I also met Kate there. But as I had no real contact with you guys anymore, I didn't inform you." Suddenly, McGee and Kasie come into Jack's office; both excited. "Tim, what is it?" Gibbs asks. “Boss, we got 'em! We got Bish... McGee spots Abby. "Abby"?! What are you doing here?" "What do you think? Tell you that Ziva and Tony have been kidnapped," Abby replies. "Tim, you said you had them. Where are they?" Gibbs wants to know. Abby notices something the moment McGee wants to answers: "Where is Bishop?" "With Tony and Ziva," Nick replies. "And where are Tony and Ziva?" Abby asks. "In Maryland. Boss, we should get going," McGee replies. "Tim, Nick, you're coming with me. The rest of you stay here." Kate and Jack are protesting: "Gibbs, you can't be serious. We're coming with you!" Gibbs responds: "And who's gonna stay with Tali?" Then Jack says: "Abby can stay with Tali. Because without Kate, we wouldn't even know that Ziva and Tony were taken. And you need general support because there's at least six other kidnappers with Tony, Ziva and Ellie." "Come on, then! Jack, you're coming with me! Kate, you with Nick and Tim.” Tim and Nick take a look at each other and also Kate looks like she has a clue about their relationship.

Maryland, USA
Semi-dark room
4:48 pm

Ziva, Ellie and Tony stand at the door and wait for one of the kidnappers to come in so they can overpower him. Ellie gave Ziva her knife before because Ziva can throw it better. The three hear a key being turned in the lock, shortly after that the handle is pushed down and the door opens. A man walks in and Ziva throws the knife at his chest. The man falls over, Ellie grabs the knife and stab him again. Then she grabs the kidnapper's gun and gives Ziva the knife. Tony, Ziva and Ellie leave the room, Ziva first, then Tony and finally Ellie. All three are still dazed and staggering along the wall. Suddenly, Ellie sees a woman coming up behind them. Ellie shoots her and the woman falls over. Ellie goes to the woman and takes the gun from her. Tony and Ziva walk up to her and Ellie gives Tony the gun. "I know who that is," says Ziva. Ellie and Tony look at her questioningly, then Tony recognizes the woman. "Isn't that Doctor Deena Bashan?" "Doctor who?", asks Ellie. "Deena Bashan. We were friends as kids, she fell in love with Ari and now she hates me for killing him.”, Ziva explains. Ellie realizes something: "And because you took away her chance to have a family with Ari, she doesn't want you to be happy." The three go on.

Maryland, USA
In front of an abandoned factory building
5:07 pm

McGee, Kate and Nick get out of the car and wait for Gibbs and Jack. "This time, we are not splitting up! I do not want the event that happened before to happen again," Gibbs orders. Kate, McGee, Nick, Gibbs and Jack put on bulletproof vests. Then they enter the building; Gibbs first, Jack second. After Jack comes McGee, then Nick, and finally, Kate. Two of the kidnappers come up from behind and try to sneak out with a third person, Dr. Deena Bashan. But Kate and Nick notice them. "NCIS. Stop right there," Nick calls. The men, carrying Dr. Bashan, draw their weapons. Gibbs, Jack, McGee, Nick and Kate fire, and all three fall down and are killed instantly. Nick and McGee take their guns and everyone keeps going.

Maryland, USA
In the abandoned factory building
5:11 pm

Ellie, Ziva and Tony hear gunfire and wonder. Despite the fact that they're still dazed, they keep walking. In front of them, two men put something up on the wall. When the men notice them, they run away. Ellie, Ziva and Tony go to the spot on the wall. Ellie gets there first. "It's a bomb!", she calls. Tony and Ziva approach carefully. They see explosive material, lots of wires, and a timer that says ten more minutes. Ziva wants to defuse the bomb, but Ellie stops her. "Ziva, I know you're pretty good at disarming bombs. But first, there're too many wires in a short amount of time, and second, we're all still dizzy. We better get out of here as fast as we can," she says. They keep going. When they come to a corner, they suddenly hear footsteps approaching them. "NCIS!", are Ellie, Ziva, Tony, Kate, Jack, Nick, Gibbs and McGee calling. "Ziva, Tony, is that you?" "Yes, Boss. Bishop is here, too", Tony responds. Ellie, Ziva and Tony come around the corner. "You look like zombies," says McGee as he sees Ellie, Ziva and Tony. "Half zombies, McGee", Tony replies. "We need to get out of here as soon as possible! There's a bomb back there! The timer shows less than ten minutes," urges Ellie. Gibbs goes to Ziva to back her up, and McGee does the same to Tony. Nick wants to go to Ellie, but Jack beats him to it because she's standing closer. Ziva and Kate get a meaningful look at each other, then they walk out.

A little while later, outside the factory building, by the cars. "McGee, call an ambulance! The three of them need to go to the hospital for immediate evaluation," Gibbs orders. "Gibbs, we do not need an ambulance! We are fine!", Ellie and Ziva respond immediately. Gibbs, we do not need an ambulance! We are fine!" Ellie and Ziva respond immediately. Before Gibbs can respond, Kate also interferes: "Gibbs, actually, Jimmy can examine these three. After all, he did examine Tali." Gibbs is adamant that Tony, Ziva and Ellie be admitted to the hospital, and McGee, Torres and Jack are backing him. Kate makes a suggestion: "If Ziva, Ellie and Tony are going to the hospital, can't we at least give them a ride?" Gibbs is about to respond when the factory building explodes. He thinks for a moment, gives orders for further action. "Jack, you drive Tony, Ziva and Ellie to the hospital! And no arguments! Nick, Kate, you go back to the office and brief Vance. Tim, you call the fire department and stay put!"

Sorry for that long part, but you deserve to read the whole rescue in one part

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